View Full Version : Not sure about Optimum Leather Protectant....

07-06-2011, 01:32 PM
Bought a bottle of OLP to use as a light cleaner and protectant for those in-between cleanings for my car and the wife's car. Not sure if I like it as it isn't performing as I expected, but it might also be my application.

On my car (05 Subaru Legacy GT), I applied it to the whole interior (minus seats, which are cloth). Within a day, it had rubbed of the arm rest (door and center rest) where I put my arm. This was after it had sat all night. Might not be the OLP's fault, but I thought other dressings I have used in the past did not rub off so quickly. The dash also seemed to fade within a week (and I use a Covercraft sun shade whenever I remember to put it up, about 75% of the time). Immediately after application, it had a nice satin sheen to it. By the end of the week, it seemed dull on the top of the dash, but the lower portions (glove box, etc) still had the slight sheen.

On my wife's car (10 Subaru Legacy), I used it on her whole interior (with leather seats), and the seats seem to fade fast, as well as one part of her driver door (which always seems whitish....).

Both interior seem to fade some in various parts, so the interiors look a little uneven and splotchy. OLP was applied using a microfiber pad (blue round pad from Target with the little pocket to slide your hand into). No buffing after application and done in the shade.

I searched for application/applicator tips for OLP, but didn't come up with anything. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that leather seats should use a terry applicator, not MF, for applications of dressing.

If I get home tonight before it starts getting dark I will try and snap some sample pics and upload (if I can get the camera to show the issues well) them. I am not necessarily looking to change the product (I still have most of the bottle), just wondering if the problem is my application and/or my expectations.


07-06-2011, 01:40 PM
Maybe you need to shake the bottle up a little more? I use the same application method on my 335i and the sheen on the dash lasts at least a month. The car sits outside 24/7, so it's not being babied.

07-06-2011, 01:43 PM
Neil - Haven't tried OLP, but Ultima interior guard plus is all I use on my Legacy GT now; trim, leather, dash, everything. It is the coolest satin feeling .

07-06-2011, 01:53 PM
Neil - Haven't tried OLP, but Ultima interior guard plus is all I use on my Legacy GT now; trim, leather, dash, everything. It is the coolest satin feeling .

Funny you should reply. I was just looking at your Epic Review post from this spring to see what you used in the interior since your GT is only 1 year newer than mine, so they are pretty much the same (I don't think Subie changed anything until 08 IIRC).

I thought I had shaken the OLP bottle plenty, but maybe I had let it settle between wiping down panels. UIGP may be next for a try once I use up OLP (probably next spring....). It is expensive, but I got UTTG and used so little of it to do the exterior trim on the wife's car that the bottle should last a loooong time. Still need to hit my exterior with it (only did the exterior mirrors, which are waaaay faded). If the UIGP goes as far, it may be worth the money.


07-06-2011, 01:56 PM
Funny you should reply. I was just looking at your Epic Review post from this spring to see what you used in the interior since your GT is only 1 year newer than mine, so they are pretty much the same (I don't think Subie changed anything until 08 IIRC).

I thought I had shaken the OLP bottle plenty, but maybe I had let it settle between wiping down panels. UIGP may be next for a try once I use up OLP (probably next spring....). It is expensive, but I got UTTG and used so little of it to do the exterior trim on the wife's car that the bottle should last a loooong time. Still need to hit my exterior with it (only did the exterior mirrors, which are waaaay faded). If the UIGP goes as far, it may be worth the money.


It goes just as far as UTTG does, so that bottle will last you a long long time. Let me know if you want a sample of it, that's how I got hooked on it. IME best applied with a MF applicator so you can buff it in and get it good and thin.

07-06-2011, 02:02 PM
UIGP doesn't have any cleaning ability though, does it? I have DP Interior Protectant, but got the OLP as a "1 step" to clean (lightly) and protect the interior. Mainly for the wife's car as I seem to have to wipe down the back seats once a week since she has my 4 year old son most of the time.... I wanted something that would do some light cleaning and protecting without always having to break out the APC and DP.


P.S. Canon sucks, Nikon rules ;) j/k

07-15-2011, 10:18 AM
It goes just as far as UTTG does, so that bottle will last you a long long time. Let me know if you want a sample of it, that's how I got hooked on it. IME best applied with a MF applicator so you can buff it in and get it good and thin.

Thanks for the thought of providing a sample, I may just take you up on that! The OLP isn't as bad (not that it was bad to begin with) as I originally thought. The dash still has a newish sheen to it, but it is ever so slight and other panels with less exposure have more sheen, so the interior looks a little uneven (under close scrutiny).

I assume the UIGP is great on leather also (your LGT has leather interior right?)? My LGT doesn't, but the wife's Legacy does. Love using multipurpose products, especially is the whole interior can be done with one product. Doesn't look like it has any cleaning ability though, so what do you use for weekly wipedowns (to clean up spilled drink spots, etc.)?

Thank You,