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04-27-2006, 09:29 PM
i bought the supreme guzzler by cobra (20x40) im really not too happy with the results of this. It does hold alot of water but when i wipe the water on the car it soaks the majority of it but theres always streaks of water that i cant get off. Is there a better method then just wipeing the water off ?

04-27-2006, 09:45 PM
[QUOTE=98bmw323is Is there a better method then just wipeing the water off ?[/QUOTE]How are you using it?
The guzzler is one of the best WW i've used,sometimes WW will streak what i do is blott(sp) dry each panel and follow behind with a plush MF. If you do a search you can read what most users are saying about the WW guzzler...I have 5 types of WW and only use the guzzler when drying.

04-27-2006, 10:05 PM
i bought the supreme guzzler by cobra (20x40) im really not too happy with the results of this. It does hold alot of water but when i wipe the water on the car it soaks the majority of it but theres always streaks of water that i cant get off. Is there a better method then just wipeing the water off ?

I'm sort of with Joe on the clean up, but I use Meguiar's Quik Detailer or Final Inspection on the MF. It soaks up the last drops, gets rid of the streaks and looks super. I can pretty much finish off my car with one MF, but you may need a few more. I don't know that any guzzler-type towel is really intended as the final step to a wash-well-done, but with the approach above, you save having to come back again with anything else and as Mike Phillips from Meguiars says it lets you "love on your car", i.e. spend some quality time gently moving your hand over the lines of your car with the cloth beneath it, putting the finishing touch on, instead of all the washing, buffing, waxing, etc., which really is a lot of work, and you are generally just trying to get through.

04-27-2006, 11:35 PM
I never have to use more than one Ultimate Guzzler to dry a car no matter what the size. The best way to insure you have the same success is to reduce the amount of water on the car before you use your towel.

Basically, all you have to do is take the sprayer off the end of the hose and then stream water over your entire car. Start at the top and work your way down. When you're done you'll find there is maybe 10% of the water left on your car that was there when you started. The remaining water is easily picked up with the Guzzler. I would like to state that this method works best with well waxed/sealed cars. It's nowhere near as effective with neglected cars.

04-27-2006, 11:40 PM
I'm a little puzzled by your results. The Guzzler is hands down the best WW towel i have used. I can dry my entire car and the towel doesn't even fell wet. Like MikeyC said, you should "free-rinse" the car with the laminar flow of an open hose before drying. That makes a huge difference. Also, make sure your wax/sealant is still beading.

04-28-2006, 03:55 AM
Best WW out there. Did you wash it first? Did you use fabric softner? I
never had any problems like this. One Ultimate towels does my whole truck
and is barely damp when finished.

04-28-2006, 06:27 AM
Best WW out there. Did you wash it first? Did you use fabric softner?

Thats exactly what I was thinking ! Not scolding, but NEVER use fabric softner on an microfiber. It will literally close up its ability to soak up water. Either way, continue to use it. The Guzzler rocks, just give it a little time. With a blower and QD'er (Quikshine, 425, S&G) , I never use more than 1/2 my Guzzler with no streaks. I fold it in 3rd's and then over. Flip every 3rd panel.

04-28-2006, 08:58 AM
WW work great on well maintained car(wax 3-4 a year). If car never been touch by wax, say like 3 years. WW will not soak too wel and you will leave streaks.

Anyways, Guzzler rox!!!!

04-28-2006, 09:11 AM
Just my .02 .... Guzzler is the best towel I have ever used for drying. Sorry not working for you, but that towel does Rock as klnyc said! This have been my favorite drying towel that has come through our doors!:D

04-28-2006, 09:39 AM
i bought the supreme guzzler by cobra (20x40) im really not too happy with the results of this. It does hold alot of water but when i wipe the water on the car it soaks the majority of it but theres always streaks of water that i cant get off. Is there a better method then just wipeing the water off ?
For best results do a final rinse with Free-flowing water (no nozzle). it will allow water to sheet off your vehicle, leaving less water to wipe off. And always do 2 PASSES with a drying towel - pass once, - wring it out - and then pass again.
You should be satisfied with results then. ;)

04-28-2006, 09:43 AM
I'm jump'n onboard the guzzler love train! Hands down, it's the best ww drying towel I've used.

10-04-2006, 06:26 PM
What does the label on everyones towel read ? I ordered one and it isn't nearly as big as the one that I saw in a picture of a woman holding up to a SUV. I am thinking that I was shipped the wrong towel. Also it streaks bad, but the car I used it on wasn't waxed yet. Has anyone actually measured their towel to see if it is the advertised size.

10-04-2006, 07:29 PM
Also it streaks bad,
WilliamDid you wash the towel before using it ,by accident could you have used a a soap containing fabric softner .Fabric softner will clog the pores in the towel causing the towel to streak and not absorb the water.

10-04-2006, 07:30 PM
When I read what your experience was with the Guzzler I ran to the calendar thinking it was April fools day. Something is wrong someplace because I never have had a better experience with drying a car before I got my 'Guzzler!

10-04-2006, 09:18 PM
I would have to side with the OP but with this caveat... I think when you wash them with alot of towels with wax/sealant, you might get some streaking. I've seen this, but havent washed since reading this on another thread, but plan on washing the Guzzler seperate next time... or doing a triple rinse, or some other procedure... (maybe use hotter water, liquid detergent, etc).... Im currently only using Pinn Rejuv.