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06-30-2011, 02:24 PM
to remove these vinyl stickers there on both sides of the vehicle, they want no wash or anything just sticker removal.

06-30-2011, 02:47 PM
Seriously? That paint is horribly oxidized and the area where the stickers are will stand out just as bad as the stickers. I'd sell a good paint cleaning along with the sticker removal.

A job like this is going to be a huge pain. If that sticker is dried out then it will be even harder to remove. I'd probably quote a price which will ensure they won't hire you, but would definitely make it worth your while if they take it. $180 sounds about right for the sticker removal. Or charge them $300 to get the sticker off and do a once over with just a paint cleaner to remove the oxidation. That's what I'd do for my area anyway. Pricing in your area may be different.

06-30-2011, 02:59 PM
i told her 100 just to remove the stickers only, they are selling it and the buyer just doesnt want it there, i think she thinks its too expensive lol.. I offered her a AIO one step but she turned it down since shes getting rid of it

06-30-2011, 03:26 PM
$100.00 sounds more than fair. I'd move on. That thing looks too be a real PITA. This is imo. Good luck.


06-30-2011, 03:55 PM
I honestly wouldn't want to do it. And $100 doesn't seem enough.

I would pass on the job.

06-30-2011, 04:10 PM
^^^ Exactly. I wouldn't touch this for less than $150 and only if it were for a friend. Pass on this and let someone who has lower standards take the job. Unless you are really hard up for money and not going to make rent this month unless you get this job, I'd just pass on it and spend the time working on a car someone actually cares about.

06-30-2011, 05:18 PM
yeah, funny thing is she text message me back saying 60 lol. I said 85 and thats that, hey since she doesnt care about it i dont care much either I will just heat it all with a heat gun.

06-30-2011, 05:34 PM
yeah, funny thing is she text message me back saying 60 lol. I said 85 and thats that, hey since she doesnt care about it i dont care much either I will just heat it all with a heat gun.

Did you end up doing the job? I've done a job like this 2 years ago and I promised myself by the time I was done I would never do it again!! The van was a little larger than the one you showed, but the decals are a pain. I charged him 200 for decal removal. Shot a coat of wax over it after I was finished.

06-30-2011, 08:44 PM
i don't think She wants to pay 80 lol fine by me after seeing everyones responses here im glad i didn't end up doing it...

06-30-2011, 08:45 PM
how do you guys judge on how much to charge to remove stickers of a vehicles such as this one or a work truck that had stickers everywhere?

07-01-2011, 07:31 AM
how do you guys judge on how much to charge to remove stickers of a vehicles such as this one or a work truck that had stickers everywhere?

I judge on the shape of the decal because it tells me how long the glue has been sitting and baking onto the paint. Older decals tend to be a pain! Also, remember your not only removing the decal, but the glue behind it as well. Many people think these jobs are a breeze, but in no way are they. I usually charge by the hour for jobs like this.

07-01-2011, 07:53 AM
^I agree. This would be by the hour. I won't deal with a customer that tries to low ball me. In the end they will never be happy, and will probably try to drag your name through the mud.

07-01-2011, 10:17 AM
thanks guys! and remember what the sticker says ABSENCE IS POWER lol..

Flash Gordon
07-01-2011, 11:03 AM
yeah, funny thing is she text message me back saying 60 lol. I said 85 and thats that, hey since she doesnt care about it i dont care much either I will just heat it all with a heat gun.

$75 is a nice compromise. Looks like they're on the window, so it "shouldn't" be that bad. 75 dollars is better then no dollars

Bring plenty of windex, apc, clean razors and solvent. Two hours and you should be out of there

thanks guys! and remember what the sticker says ABSENCE IS POWER lol..

Now thats funny

07-01-2011, 11:08 AM
yeah, funny thing is she text message me back saying 60 lol. I said 85 and thats that, hey since she doesnt care about it i dont care much either I will just heat it all with a heat gun.

I'm all about helping someone out to get some publicity BUT!!! if your going to be serious DO NOT LET THEM TALK YOU DOWN!!! This is a business and you need to treat it as such. If you have a shop or had a shop, you can't call the electric company and say "hey you guys are charging me to much, I'll pay $200 but not $400" I have found that if you deal with CHEAP ppl you will never be able to please them. Be fair to yourself and your business! If you feel your worth $5hr charge so or $100hr charge like so. But remember you attract more of the people you are around, so if you have cheap customers that all your gana get and vise versa!