View Full Version : Ammonia to clean pads

06-30-2011, 01:41 PM
I detailed one of my Dads cars this past weekend. He was helping me clean up afterward. We were cleaning out my pads and he asked if I he could soak them in some ammonia to break down the wax. I got them clean with just APC so didnt need to go stronger.

This made me remember as a kid detailing with my Dad we always would soak the applicators and towels that we used to wax with in a little soap and ammonia mixture.
Anyone still do this? Before I try it and ruin a pad I thought I would ask. This may be the ticket for getting sealants out of pads.

06-30-2011, 02:18 PM
If you're getting them clean with APC, why would you want to use ammonia? It's pretty harsh stuff. I realize it'd be a little cheaper, but somethimes a few pennies just ain't worth it.

Larry A
06-30-2011, 08:38 PM
I use ammonia and water to clean carpets and cloth seats.. You would be amazed on how much dirt comes out of fabric.

06-30-2011, 11:21 PM
Some sealants dont come out of pads very well, such as WG. Thought I may give it a try if they dont come clean with APC.

If you're getting them clean with APC, why would you want to use ammonia? It's pretty harsh stuff. I realize it'd be a little cheaper, but somethimes a few pennies just ain't worth it.

06-30-2011, 11:22 PM
I use ammonia and water to clean carpets and cloth seats.. You would be amazed on how much dirt comes out of fabric.

Ill have to give it a try and see how it works.
Are you using an extractor?

Larry A
07-01-2011, 08:23 AM
Ill have to give it a try and see how it works.
Are you using an extractor?
No!Mix 1 pt of ammonia to 1 gallon of water in a bucket. Use terry towels, dunk in solution and wring out , and simply wipe down fabric seats and carpets. Dries fast , pulls oders out of fabric when it dries, leaves fabric soft with no resudue.

07-01-2011, 02:11 PM
I have the same problem with Menzerna sealant in a red LC CCS pad and also I've got Natty's Blue in a red pad that I need to remove... I'm unsure what to use to get these things clean? Ammonia sounds harsh... and I'm unfamiliar with APC. What is that? Sorry for the rookie questions... Still learning!

07-01-2011, 02:26 PM
apc is all purpose cleaner. When ppl refer to APC+ they are usually referring to the Meg's brand of APC

Most ppl keep a pad per lsp product to avoid contamination. It can get expensive if you like to try lots of products though

07-01-2011, 02:34 PM
I'd be careful using ammonia to clean pads. First, it is listed as a corrosive alkaline. That means it have potential to corrode things. Furthermore, if using ammonia to remove sealants from pads you may be making the job harder. Some polymers can further bond to eachother by adding a base to them. This is especially true with silicone polymers which are common in car care. Base catalyzed polymerization is very common and could lead to a polymer being harder to remove.

07-01-2011, 04:05 PM
apc is all purpose cleaner. When ppl refer to APC+ they are usually referring to the Meg's brand of APC

Most ppl keep a pad per lsp product to avoid contamination. It can get expensive if you like to try lots of products though

Thanks! I do keep a pad per product, as I'm only using Power Lock and Natty's blue right now. But I don't like the buildup to sit on the pads... I guess I feel it would be better to start with a 'fresh' pad each time?

I'd be careful using ammonia to clean pads. First, it is listed as a corrosive alkaline. That means it have potential to corrode things. Furthermore, if using ammonia to remove sealants from pads you may be making the job harder. Some polymers can further bond to eachother by adding a base to them. This is especially true with silicone polymers which are common in car care. Base catalyzed polymerization is very common and could lead to a polymer being harder to remove.

So what product would you recommend to remove sealant from pads?

07-01-2011, 04:22 PM
I use either APC or if I have any a half pack of snappys cleaner and soak the pads for several hours in bucket and then rinse rinse and rinse. Pads are dedicated to one product so I have 3 sets of red pads as an example.