View Full Version : Business Tshirts/hats...anyone have any?

06-28-2011, 05:18 PM
I'm thinking about just having a few tshirts and caps made up with my business name and info on them....id prefer fitted caps but i'm open to other options.

I was wondering if anyone has had any made, and if so who did you use and how was their pricing?

06-28-2011, 05:20 PM
Check out VistaPrint they can do one offs or low quantity...

You could also check out 4imprint

Bates Detailing
06-28-2011, 05:21 PM
I have t-shirts..... but sadly I got fat and out grew them and past employees have left with many of them. I actually traded services for my shirts - detailed the owner's daughters minivan of the shirt printing company..... may be an option for you.

06-28-2011, 05:25 PM
I have t-shirts..... but sadly I got fat and out grew them and past employees have left with many of them. I actually traded services for my shirts - detailed the owner's daughters minivan of the shirt printing company..... may be an option for you.

Thats a great idea!

06-28-2011, 05:30 PM
Got a few hats made at LIDS at my local mall. I'm a member of their "club" so I think they cost me $15 each. And they are flex fit. Oh and the back has my website on it. Oh and this was the first one, the made a mistake on the "L" but let me keep it anyway since it wasn't that bad.
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/44769_425857217635_56957342635_5074161_251262_n.jp g

Then I got shirts made from cafepress groups. I don't remember the exact price. I think they were $10 or so each. I didn't take a picture of the shirt itself, but it looks just like the picture.


Hope that helps.

06-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I have t-shirts..... but sadly I got fat and out grew them and past employees have left with many of them. I actually traded services for my shirts - detailed the owner's daughters minivan of the shirt printing company..... may be an option for you.

That is a good idea i might keep that in mind...kind of like promoting your business and getting some logo stuff at the same tiem

Got a few hats made at LIDS at my local mall. I'm a member of their "club" so I think they cost me $15 each. And they are flex fit. Oh and the back has my website on it. Oh and this was the first one, the made a mistake on the "L" but let me keep it anyway since it wasn't that bad.
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/44769_425857217635_56957342635_5074161_251262_n.jp g

Then I got shirts made from cafepress groups. I don't remember the exact price. I think they were $10 or so each. I didn't take a picture of the shirt itself, but it looks just like the picture.


Those turned out sweet. I like the black hat/tshirt...maybe we have a local place around that will do them..$15 a pop isnt bad...just want a few...hope the suggestions keep coming

Hope that helps.