View Full Version : 105 then 205 quick question

Preachers Sheets
06-28-2011, 10:46 AM
If I am polishing with the Meg 105 stuff; wipe off a small amount and I see the results I want should I continue to remove the 105 from the entire car before using the 205?

I read somewhere that as long as the 105 isnt gunked on in chunks the 105 willm take care of it and there is less friction because your not rubbing the paint with a microfiber.

Does anyone do this; is it worth it or is this just a lazy mans wait of trying to justify saving time?

06-28-2011, 10:47 AM
I've seen some people do it and it has worked for them. I always wipe the M105 off to make sure I am getting the results I want on the whole vehicle.

Dr Oldz
06-28-2011, 10:55 AM
I wouldn't. 105 can get like concrete when dried and secondly the abrasives in 105 do not break down. So if you started using 205 on top of the 105, you would defeat the purpose of using 205 because inturn you would still be polishing with the more aggressive abrasives in 105 possibly not seeing the true finishing qualities of the 205.

Mike Phillips
06-28-2011, 11:34 AM
If you wipe any excess compound or polish off immediately after working a section, while it's still some what a wet film, it will act to help lubricate the wipe-off process versus allowing it to fully dry.

At the compounding step, if you re-instill any light toweling marks during wipe-off these should polish out in most cases during the next polishing step.

If it were me, I would wipe leftover product residue immediately after working a section versus letting it dry.


Dan Ruddock
06-28-2011, 12:05 PM
What about washing the whole car with apc after each step to make sure the previous compound is gone or is doing it before the sealer goes on enough? Dan

06-28-2011, 12:14 PM
What about washing the whole car with apc after each step to make sure the previous compound is gone or is doing it before the sealer goes on enough? Dan
When I'm doing a correction I wash the car several times. First to wash it, then again to remove the claybar and lube residue, then again after initial compounding to remove all the dust an splatter. As far as before a sealer, I just to a IPA wipedown to make sure nothing messes with the bonding of the sealer/wax.

All that being said I think washing between regualr polishing stages just to remove the residue might actually take longer than just wiping the residue off. and I know it will take longer than just doing an IPA wipedown. Not saying it wouldn't work, just saying it might not be worth all the extra effort.

Preachers Sheets
06-28-2011, 02:39 PM
If time allows I wash the car after each pass of whatever.....most of the time with just water. Helps with dust and splatter.