View Full Version : Aluminum rims...

06-22-2011, 07:19 PM
Hows it going AG?
I received a call from a customer wanting his aluminum rims polished. Apparently, he used something other than soap and water to clean them, and they developed all sorts of blemishes/oxidized look.

Being that I have never corrected any polished aluminum rims before, im unsure with exactly what's needed and also the process.

I have a can of 3-m aluminum polish and just now picked up a mothers power-cone. What else do you suggest I need. And also if any sanding is needed, what do you all suggest I start/finish with.

Thanks in advance for the help everyone...Feed back please

06-22-2011, 07:24 PM
I repaired some badly curbed aluminum lips on some BBS wheels a few months ago. I started with 400grit and ended with 3000 grit sand paper. Followed it up with a metal polishing kit (not sold on AG) and they looked better than new.

For your situation you should be ok just polishing with a good meta/aluminum polish. I had some wheels stained with wheel acid and Mothers Mag Polish cleaned it up no problem.

06-22-2011, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the input Flannigan...
I just did some researching and found a lot of people using Flitz. I also saw that AG carries these products, anyone here have any experience with their aluminum pre-cleaner and polish???