View Full Version : Forever Black Question

06-22-2011, 12:02 AM
My friend's volvo 740's black plastic bumpers have faded to a light grey. Will the 4 oz bottle of Forever Black be enough to cover this or should I tell him to get two bottles?

06-22-2011, 09:18 AM
Chris, I just finished doing a Honda CRV which has the trim along the bottom door panels (about 12-14" worth) and all the factory trim. This thing has more trim than paint. The stuff had faded to light gray and the door panels looked like it had white paint dripping down them from being polished and waxed so many times. I had to do two coats of Forever Black (after cleaning them with APC, to remove the wax) and I still have over half of bottle left. So yes 1 4oz should be more than enough. Also put two coats of UTTG+ over the FB and all the trim looks brand new!!