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View Full Version : 2002 Bentley Continental

06-20-2011, 11:04 AM
So I have a customer that called me today and says he needs his Bentley done asap. Probably doing the full correction process. This is my first Bentley so I was wondering if people had experience with different products, mainly in the correction process. If you have some input let me know. I've done other high end vehicles but I usually have time to research before I put my hands on them.

Flash Gordon
06-20-2011, 11:51 AM
So I have a customer that called me today and says he needs his Bentley done asap. Probably doing the full correction process. This is my first Bentley so I was wondering if people had experience with different products, mainly in the correction process. If you have some input let me know. I've done other high end vehicles but I usually have time to research before I put my hands on them.

My main concern would be if the grille has water spots. IDK what the deal is with these cars, but everyone I've worked on has jacked up grilles

The paint/clear itself, I've always found to be relativaly easy to work with. Not Honda soft, but not Audi hard either

Depending on what kinda condition it was in, and what the customer was expecting, would be a factor in determining which direction I would start with

06-20-2011, 12:03 PM
well ive got menzerna super intensive polish, power finish, and super finish nano. just have not had experience with this car. why are the grilles jacked up and whats your method of detailing them?

Flash Gordon
06-20-2011, 12:11 PM
well ive got menzerna super intensive polish, power finish, and super finish nano. just have not had experience with this car. why are the grilles jacked up and whats your method of detailing them?

Sounds like what you have should work. I would recommend having some 105 on hand just in case. Ultimate Compound will work in a jam

Like I said....IDK what the deal is with these grilles

Bob Willis from Auto Concierge turned me unto CG Waterspot remover, along with saturating the grille with vineger first. It can be very time consuming no matter what method you go with. I would definately take a look at that grill before determining my price

Oh, Barry Theal came up with a great idea too. If you look at the Bentley he did recentally he used some type of poewerball type contraption. My only concern here would be if the grille was weak in one spot and broke....Have you ever priced a Bentley grille?!?!?!?

06-20-2011, 12:21 PM
how close is untimate compound to 105 in terms of cut?

Flash Gordon
06-20-2011, 12:30 PM
how close is untimate compound to 105 in terms of cut?

Not sure how you measure that, but I would say pretty close

I would still recommend you get some 105 though

06-20-2011, 12:41 PM
any other products to use? probably use sonax for wheels, leatherique for interior, some sort of carnauba on the wood trim. what about dash and carpets on this car?

Flash Gordon
06-20-2011, 05:05 PM
any other products to use? probably use sonax for wheels, leatherique for interior, some sort of carnauba on the wood trim. what about dash and carpets on this car?

Wheels are wheels (unless they're carbon fiber) I'd go with Castrol Super Clean. I'm sure Sonax will work great as well

Leather, I would use Connollys Hyde Food

The wood trim, I wipe with a wet towel after dressing, then wipe clean with a dry one. I wouldn't wax that area, unless your trying to remove some surface scratches

The carpets are super plush. Almost to plush for my liking. Use as little water as possible here

I don't put anything on the upper part of ppl's dash. The glare factor is very dangerous IMO

Hope some of this helps, and anyone else that has suggestions chimes in. Its not like I do these everyday

My specialty seems to be filthy suburbans :o


06-20-2011, 10:13 PM
Have never done a Bentley before, but I do quite a few Range Rovers and they seem to have the same Grille issue. I have not quite resolved this one yet. I've used Ultimate Compound recently and it surprised me in its comparability to M105.....very close. I think your product list is on point in what you will use.....good luck and please post pictures when you're done.