View Full Version : Menzerna Power Finish, what's it comparable to?

06-18-2011, 11:12 PM
I'm looking to add a little stronger cut polish to my collection that what I have now, and I was wondering what other brand polishes does Menzerna PO 203 compare to? Such as those from the Poorboys, Meguiars, etc lineup? Right now I have been using a couple polishes that might be unfamiliar with some, Danase Swrirl Abolisher II and I, and wanted to get a litle stonger but more versatile product

06-19-2011, 12:30 AM
power finish is in the middle, can be used as a 1step w/orange lc pad as it finishes down nicely
Not to sure how it compares to m205 as I've never used it yet