View Full Version : Placing your business card on a car window a good or bad marketing idea?

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My Detailing Guys
06-18-2011, 09:00 PM
When walking through a parking lot, does anyone put their business card between the driver side door window and rubber seal? Have you found it to be a good, or a bad marketing tool? If good, how beneficial have you found it to be for your business? If bad, why?

Thanks for your comments.

Porsche Pilot
06-18-2011, 09:12 PM
I personally don't choose to do that. I get aggravated when someone does it to me. If I see a car that I am after I will wait and typically strike up a conversation with the owner. Stalking? Perhaps!

06-18-2011, 09:14 PM
IMO I think it's a bad idea. It creates a lot of litter in the parking lot. I have come out to my car after shopping before and found litter all over the place and something on my car that I don't want. Of the 1 or 2 customers you might get I think people will talk more about how annoyed they were by the business putting something on their car. I think there are much better marketing techniques. Just my opinion.

Flash Gordon
06-18-2011, 09:27 PM
I personally don't choose to do that. I get aggravated when someone does it to me. If I see a car that I am after I will wait and typically strike up a conversation with the owner. Stalking? Perhaps!

I personally don't either, but then again, I'm not looking for business. I'll get the occasional flier on my car too. It really doesn't aggravate me though. I just chunk it in the passenger floor board with all the other junk

IMO I think it's a bad idea. It creates a lot of litter in the parking lot. I have come out to my car after shopping before and found litter all over the place and something on my car that I don't want. Of the 1 or 2 customers you might get I think people will talk more about how annoyed they were by the business putting something on their car. I think there are much better marketing techniques. Just my opinion.

If indeed litter is the issue you have, maybe you should be more upset with the person throwing it on the ground, then the one just trying to make an honest dollar

When walking through a parking lot, does anyone put their business card between the driver side door window and rubber seal? Have you found it to be a good, or a bad marketing tool? If good, how beneficial have you found it to be for your business? If bad, why?

Thanks for your comments.

Back many years ago (80's) I would do this and it would be hit and miss. Definately passed out tons more then the ones who actually called. However, the ones who did call opened other doors

So, my answer is go for it. One things for certain. Their not going to get your name by ozmosis


06-18-2011, 09:40 PM
I would think it depends on the cars, client your looking for. If someone did this on my fiance's civic or my old truck, no big deal. I would take it and throw it out.

Now if you did this to my mustang, I would call you up and give you a peice of my mind,

This is something that i would not do.

Flash Gordon
06-18-2011, 09:58 PM
Now if you did this to my mustang, I would call you up and give you a peice of my mind,

How would the conversation go Simon? Let me guess :argue:

================================================== ====

I think some of you need a valuim. You do all realize this is just a car were talking about, that more then likely in 10 or 20 years will be a coke can or something

IDK...I love my car as much as the next fella (or so I thought) but unless someone is actually damaging my car, I could care less if they put a piece of paper on it

And ppl call me a lunatic...


The voice of reason

06-18-2011, 10:11 PM
my mom sent me a random text today about this topic.

i responded that i would not want someone touching my car, but i was thinking about using this techique with the new business cards i have coming in the mail which have my services and some prices on them. mostly for headlight restorations, but with some detail packages as well.

hypocrite? maybe(probably). but im sure most people arent like me and they dont care if someone barely touches their car. most people would probably just be annoyed at the fact they have to take it and toss it.

like Flash said, one client will open many doors....

06-18-2011, 10:19 PM
If indeed litter is the issue you have, maybe you should be more upset with the person throwing it on the ground, then the one just trying to make an honest dollar

Yes I am more upset by the litterbugs, it's like your thread "Pet Peeves", but if the flyers weren't there to start with then the litter wouldn't be either. I just don't like solicitation, It's just like when someone knocks on my door trying to sell me something I don't want. Or telemarketers calling my phone 10 times a day. If I want something I will go get it. I am so bombarded with advertising I know where to get it. anyway I started my post with "IMO' which means "in my opinion"

06-18-2011, 10:20 PM
If you are going to do this, might i suggest under a wiper instead, some times those cards can slide down into the door, plug drain holes and start the rusting process prematurely. I have seen evidence of this from working in bodyshops, and actually finding bussiness cards in doors, although unregognizeable, they were the size of business cards!

PAR Detailing
06-18-2011, 10:27 PM
I dont do it because I did it once and the owner came out pissed off. First off I agree with flash, to get pissed at someone for doing no harm to their "baby" that will end up in a junk yard is rediculous.

Just as a side note be careful when getting pissed off at people. The guy who got mad at me had no idea if I was just crazy enough to kick is anus (and I most definitely could have) in the autozone parking lot infront of everyone and humiliate him. I didnt because it wasnt the right thing to do and what goes around comes around so he probably got rearended by some dumb teen texting and driving. Long story short dont start yelling at anyone unless you are ready to back up what you say with your fists because you never know how the other person will react.

06-18-2011, 10:31 PM
I did it when I was in Fl and got calls. I liked the window over wiper.

06-18-2011, 10:38 PM
I had thought about this same thing with door hangers saying "i can fix the swirls/scratches I see on your car" I backed away from it for the same reasons mentioned, I don't like getting pest control company or club promotion cards on my car

06-18-2011, 10:40 PM
I dont do it because I did it once and the owner came out pissed off. First off I agree with flash, to get pissed at someone for doing no harm to their "baby" that will end up in a junk yard is rediculous.

Just as a side note be careful when getting pissed off at people. The guy who got mad at me had no idea if I was just crazy enough to kick is anus (and I most definitely could have) in the autozone parking lot infront of everyone and humiliate him. I didnt because it wasnt the right thing to do and what goes around comes around so he probably got rearended by some dumb teen texting and driving. Long story short dont start yelling at anyone unless you are ready to back up what you say with your fists because you never know how the other person will react.

After many injuries in the military i no longer could fist fight, But i always have my good buddy SIG with me.

As for some cars, yes they will get sold and end up in scrap yards.

I bought mine on leave from my last tour before i was hurt. It now is going to make over 1000 hp, and have air brushed memorials for all my friends that were KIA.

I dont like when people touch my %(*^ either.

This is always a touchy subjet. People who are the green Earth freindly, Dont like the garbage blowing around. Business owners dont like customers be harressed, Then guys like me who get mad when things are put on my car.

I just dont see it worth the headaches it could cause one person for a little advertising.

master detailer
06-18-2011, 10:45 PM
just makes you look like you need the work to much and cant get it on your own. Never good to lookto needie.

06-18-2011, 10:46 PM
I like the stalking the car idea.

If you see a car, potental client. Wait to you see them with the car. Complament them on it. Introduce yourself and ask if you ever were intrested in having it pro detailed. Give them a card. Maybe throw a little discount to get them more intrested.

Dont pick the car apart, Maybe the just detailed it and think it looks good. Just offer your service and what you can do for them.

If your a car guy and know some specs on there car, ask qustions about it, show your also intrested in cars and you have a passion for what you do and not just trying to find them as another customer.