View Full Version : Wolfgang Instant Detail Spritz? (Q for those who used it)

01-17-2007, 02:44 AM
For those who had a chance to use it is it worth buying some if you could get your hands on more?? Was there anything that made it stand out from the others out there today?

01-17-2007, 07:25 AM
You mean vs the WG Deep Gloss Spritz Sealant?

I used the QD a bunch, and even bought some of the larger containers of it when it was being replaced by the spritz sealant and really liked it. However, for my purposes I prefer the spritz sealant due to the added protection, and the gloss that the spritz sealant leaves behind, IMO, is as good as the QD.

That doesn't answer your questions, though. YES! I would buy more if it were available and the price delta was significantly less than the spritz sealant. The other question whether it is much different than other QDs on the market - IMO, it ranks up there with products like UGE, S&G, but not QuikShine.

01-17-2007, 08:26 AM
I have used it before, even bought a 64 oz refill, but am out right now. It a dreat QD+, leaves no streak even on blacks, has a pleasant candy franrance, but is kinda expensive.
Will I buy more? I probably will, but want to get it on sale. If you are looking for a great, inexpensive alternative - Duragloss Aqauwax is what I would get.
It's pretty inexpensive - $6 for a 22 oz bottle.
Or get both.

01-17-2007, 10:32 AM
I liked it, have about a half bottle left, actually just poured it into a Megs red Detailer bottle as that bottle has a much better misting head. I might buy more if it came out, it did smell nice and look nice, but hard to say when I have Quickshine, PB Spray and Gloss, and DG Fast Clean and SHine. All I've been using lately is DG, love that qd'er.

01-17-2007, 10:38 AM
You mean vs the WG Deep Gloss Spritz Sealant?

I used the QD a bunch, and even bought some of the larger containers of it when it was being replaced by the spritz sealant and really liked it. However, for my purposes I prefer the spritz sealant due to the added protection, and the gloss that the spritz sealant leaves behind, IMO, is as good as the QD.

That doesn't answer your questions, though. YES! I would buy more if it were available and the price delta was significantly less than the spritz sealant. The other question whether it is much different than other QDs on the market - IMO, it ranks up there with products like UGE, S&G, but not QuikShine.
So Quickshine would be above it, but still a great QD in it's own right. I think I may just find some and try it.

01-17-2007, 11:45 AM
So Quickshine would be above it, but still a great QD in it's own right. I think I may just find some and try it.

Yep, IMO QuikShine is a better QD than the 'old' WG QD, however, I think the gloss results of the 'old' WG QD and the current WG sealant spritz are very, very good. You can't go wrong with either of these, or for that matter, with any of the WG products.

01-17-2007, 05:23 PM
I used the new formula WG spray sealant, never used the old.