View Full Version : my plan of attack good?

06-16-2011, 05:39 PM
k a few questions. i had another thread showing my first ever machine job about a week or so ago. well sense then people saw my cobalt ss and now i have everyone on my block almost wanting me to do there cars. 11 cars total i believe .. i just wana see if im equipped enough for the task cause man the extra money would be helpful

so all the cars conditions ive looked em over paint wise not to bad off typical swirls some light others moderate i think im good for that but i just wana check

for example. moderate swirls. id start with UC and a LC orange 5'5 pad on my pc followed by swirl x on a white pad. followed by DCP if they pay for that step :) . followed by nxt wax sound good ? lighter swirld cars id start with white pad and swirl x. just skip the UC step. *of corse befor any of that it includes washing / drying / claying etc "

jobs that want the inside of the cars fully done i plan on using . megs natural shine protect and there leather care cant remember the name off hand. vacume "duh lol" thats pretty much all i use atm. for carpet stains i have a house carpet cleaner with a hose attachment im hoping that will be okay for use in cars dont see why not just felt better check. and glass i like to use a cleaner nxt probly the one ill test next as right now i have rain x cleaner and repellent and i dont like it much as a cleaner. streaky but id clean em then hit it with the rain x for repellent purposes

for plastic rubber trim thats fadded and what not pland on picking up a bottle oF the megs ultimate restorer

and of corse tire dressing / wheel cleaner . polishing for chrome etc

would you say im good as a product view or is there some holes that need filling ? *i dont wana tackle a job im not equipped to tackle as im far from a pro and they know it i invited all of em to my house this sat to watch me as i tackle a mercury heavly swirled leathers staind up etc so they can see exactly what i can do and what i may not be able to do so that way i dont have any un happy customers :) specially sense they all live on my street that could be bad haha

thanks for all the help guys / gals this forum is slowly taking over my online life im on here aloooot lolIm the MAN

06-16-2011, 05:44 PM
I would be getting a better sealant rather than using the NXT.

06-16-2011, 05:47 PM
You have a lot of FOLLOW UP,,,sounds like a lot of work. Ultimate Compound follow with Ultimate Polish and top it of with your favorite wax. OR
Megs Microfiber Correction system only 2 steps and results will be same with lot less work.
just my 2 cents and please correct me if I am wrong.:props:

06-16-2011, 06:06 PM
well the normal step would be UC / swirl x. as i thought swirl x and UP where about the same one just a tad more abrasive but i figured theyd finish about the same ? am i wrong ? i add the deep crystal if they want it . if not i do UC swirl / wax . NXT 2.0 isnt that good? i thought it was pretty nice well giving its OTC but i thought in my experience it lasts a good time and is pretty durable ? am i wrong ? if so please tell me / recommend something better that gives the wet look thanks :)

06-16-2011, 07:13 PM
i thought it was pretty nice well giving its OTC but i thought in my experience it lasts a good time and is pretty durable ? am i wrong ? if so please tell me / recommend something better that gives the wet look thanks :)

I didn't find it to be very durable at all. WGDGPS would be a good choice. You could also pick up some M205 to replace the swirl X.

06-17-2011, 08:48 AM
I didn't find it to be very durable at all. WGDGPS would be a good choice. You could also pick up some M205 to replace the swirl X.

to be honest ive actully wanted to try some WGDGPS i see alot of people on here using there products and i kinda wana get away from OTC meguiars stuff nothing against there products or nothing. cause ive used em forever. which is why i kinda wana try some other stuff .

knowing i have UC / SWIRL x would u recommend WG's swirl remover products? or are they very similar as in should i wait use up what i got or go ahead and get the WG stuff cause it'll make a dramatic difference? thanks for the help :)

Kaleb G.
06-17-2011, 08:54 AM
to be honest ive actully wanted to try some WGDGPS i see alot of people on here using there products and i kinda wana get away from OTC meguiars stuff nothing against there products or nothing. cause ive used em forever. which is why i kinda wana try some other stuff .

knowing i have UC / SWIRL x would u recommend WG's swirl remover products? or are they very similar as in should i wait use up what i got or go ahead and get the WG stuff cause it'll make a dramatic difference? thanks for the help :)

If your happy with the results you're getting, keep doing what you've been doing. If you want to get closer to show car results, consider megs 105/205 or the wg twins. There are a few other great options, too. Best of luck to you!

Edit: if your cars aren't in bad shape, you could get away with UC, but I would invest in a better Polish.

06-17-2011, 09:17 AM
If your happy with the results you're getting, keep doing what you've been doing. If you want to get closer to show car results, consider megs 105/205 or the wg twins. There are a few other great options, too. Best of luck to you!

Edit: if your cars aren't in bad shape, you could get away with UC, but I would invest in a better Polish.

well on my cobalt ss the OTC meguiars worked fine its only a year and a half old . so it doesnt take much. but for the older cars like 90 ranger and the 98 mercury im doing tomorrow. its alotta work mannnny hours to get the swirls out and bring the paint to that jaw droping state wish is always my goal. so i do believe ill need better products. for future use if i am to actully begin doing detailing as a say weekend job . and i was thinking bout WG or pinnacle and i hesatate simply cause i dont wana go out spend money on something thats so similar to what i have that its pointless to not use what i have up then switch i guess... would any of u pick one of the other or is WG / Pinnacle both an excellent choice regardless . and also is there stuff alot better grade than the normal OTC stuff i currently have thanks. i just dont wana buy something if i have something that will do the same job in close to the same amount of time. sorry if this questions are annoying :/

Kaleb G.
06-17-2011, 09:23 AM
well on my cobalt ss the OTC meguiars worked fine its only a year and a half old . so it doesnt take much. but for the older cars like 90 ranger and the 98 mercury im doing tomorrow. its alotta work mannnny hours to get the swirls out and bring the paint to that jaw droping state wish is always my goal. so i do believe ill need better products. for future use if i am to actully begin doing detailing as a say weekend job . and i was thinking bout WG or pinnacle and i hesatate simply cause i dont wana go out spend money on something thats so similar to what i have that its pointless to not use what i have up then switch i guess... would any of u pick one of the other or is WG / Pinnacle both an excellent choice regardless . and also is there stuff alot better grade than the normal OTC stuff i currently have thanks. i just dont wana buy something if i have something that will do the same job in close to the same amount of time. sorry if this questions are annoying :/

Not annoying at all! Ask as many questions you need to now so you don't have to find something out after its too late. Megiuars 105 has great cut. I use UC a lot, but 105 cuts much deeper and quicker. It is hard to use at first, but once I figured it out I couldn't imagine not having it in my bag. I don't have any experience with wg and limitted pinnacle, so I'll let someone else give you some insight on them.

06-17-2011, 10:54 AM
cool thanks . :)