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01-16-2007, 02:55 PM
What is to often to wax and/or glaze a car?

Can it be done once a week without causing any harm?

(I use a PC to do the job)

01-16-2007, 03:06 PM
Welcome! :awesome:

About once every two weeks is what I used to do on my car. And every two months or so, strip all the wax/polish etc. And reapply. I enjoy being outside, and working on my car. In its own, its a state of therapy, for me. Call me crazy, but aside from working on the yard, I enjoy working on my own car.

Of course weekly washes, sometimes twice a week, depending on weather, and how far I drove. White get's dirty pretty easy.

5-Star Auto Detailing

01-16-2007, 03:09 PM
Wow, waxing once a week/twice a week???

I personally would do once a month at the absolute maximum when using a carnauba wax.
And then, I would strip everything every 4 months, and start a fresh. That's just me.

I think a better option, after applying your wax of choice, use a nice spray wax every week or two to keep the wax fresh.

01-16-2007, 03:12 PM
If weather permits. FL has been known for rain, and if I have the day off, and it's raining, going to rain, or rain within the next few days, I'll wait until better weather is around.

I recently purchased AW, and I can't wait until next week to give it a try. I never found a good quality spray-wax until I found AG. So I never did it..

-Nick :cheers:
5-Star Auto Detailing

Gary Sword
01-16-2007, 05:24 PM
If weather permits. FL has been known for rain, and if I have the day off, and it's raining, going to rain, or rain within the next few days, I'll wait until better weather is around.

I recently purchased AW, and I can't wait until next week to give it a try. I never found a good quality spray-wax until I found AG. So I never did it..

-Nick :cheers:
5-Star Auto Detailing

Hey nick19, I thought Florida was the sunshine state. It does not rain very much where I live. Even in rainey season it only rains about an hour then the sun comes out.

I think waxing your car every week is extreme. If your using something that's abrasive with your PC you could be taking off a little clear coat every week. At best your just spending a lot of time and money on products. If the products you using don't last longer then a week I would look for different products.

01-16-2007, 05:28 PM
I wax or seal a panel at a time, never the whole truck. It would take me ages!

I wash (or at least try to) once every week and do, for example, the doors one week, the bed another week and then the front clip the week after that. That way, I can always do a little bit of detailing but I don't waste my entire Saturday morning doing it.

01-16-2007, 05:37 PM
I usually wash one a week, generally Sundays. Having a white car SUCKS. Either way, it depends on my mood if I add a wax or spray wax at that point. Either way, its defintely a wax bi-weekly.

01-16-2007, 05:43 PM
In the summer I wash about two times a week and wax about once a month. I love waxing the car, I remember that I used to wax every weekend. Even now I still do it here and there about once a week but now that I have three cars I'm always waxing.

I agree though once a month is about right. You don't need to do it every week....it's nice though.

01-16-2007, 05:52 PM
the more wax the better. i wax when ever my wife gets on my case. beats arguing:D and my truck likes it:D

01-16-2007, 06:03 PM
Hey nick19, I thought Florida was the sunshine state. It does not rain very much where I live. Even in rainey season it only rains about an hour then the sun comes out.

I think waxing your car every week is extreme. If your using something that's abrasive with your PC you could be taking off a little clear coat every week. At best your just spending a lot of time and money on products. If the products you using don't last longer then a week I would look for different products.

I didn't mean it rains every day. If its in the forcast, I try and work around it, not in it. Im the MAN

I'd much rather be working outside, then inside. And I'd rather be working on my, or a clients, than watching TV. Some people watch TV to de-stress, and I work inside/outside on my car to relieve stress. I can listen to some soft music, and enjoy the beautiful weather we've had latley in FL. :cheers:

5-Star Auto Detailing

01-16-2007, 06:07 PM
When I had the time, I detailed twice weekly, and waxed once every two weeks. Between children and the new title (and more associates to train) it has less time. That said, you could pure glaze and wax weekly if so desired. I would not polish weekly, as over time it would degrade the cc.

Gary Sword
01-16-2007, 06:12 PM
I didn't mean it rains every day. If its in the forcast, I try and work around it, not in it. Im the MAN

I'd much rather be working outside, then inside. And I'd rather be working on my, or a clients, than watching TV. Some people watch TV to de-stress, and I work inside/outside on my car to relieve stress. I can listen to some soft music, and enjoy the beautiful weather we've had latley in FL. :cheers:

5-Star Auto Detailing

I'm just picking on you nick. I would rather be outside detailing cars too. It's nice being in Florida where your can detail your car outside over 300 days a year.

01-16-2007, 06:39 PM
hehe, FL sure is nice

01-16-2007, 06:48 PM
I'm just picking on you nick. I would rather be outside detailing cars too. It's nice being in Florida where your can detail your car outside over 300 days a year.

Oh.. ;) sometimes the internet can be tricky.. Im the MAN :cheers:

Take care..

5-Star Auto Detailing

01-16-2007, 08:31 PM
I like to wax after washing which would be either once a week or depending on the seasons. Warmer weather more driving, when cold probably once a