View Full Version : Wax Treated Polishing Cloths

06-14-2011, 10:49 PM
Has anyone tried any of these things? http://www.gmpartsdirect.com/part_images/body_pro4.gifI get them from the Chev dealer down the street from our shop, and use them quite a bit. They are excellent for just a quick dust without changeing the finish on your panels. they work awesome on woodgrain, and or plastic smooth finishes. for dusting instrument clusters they are phenomenal. Any other uses people have tried? :dblthumb2:

GM PART # 994954

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06-15-2011, 06:14 AM
how much are they though? cause anything that comes from a dealer is $$$.

06-15-2011, 07:14 AM
Not very expensive at all, my buddy that work at the dealer put me on to them about 5 years ago, they were 5$ a piece then and i was happy, now I am getting them for less then 3$. I can usually do about 15 vehicles with one, if you just keep them folded and flip them as needed...I would say they have saved me money!

06-15-2011, 10:03 AM
They've been around for a long, long time. This is dating myself, but in the late 60's I worked for Pontiac at the Pittsburgh Auto Show as a youngster, keeping the cars dusted, using the same cloths. Needless to say, the GTOs and Firebirds on display got more than their share of my attention. Nowadays,they scare me a bit on paint, since the material, a very soft flannel, doesn't have enough nap to make me comfortable. I'm more at ease with a California Duster. However, they are definitely a time and labor-saver for dusting interiors. They attract dust like a magnet and leave no perceptible residue behind. Still have one in the "show prep" bag in my Camino. If they could combine whatever chemicals they use to treat the cloth with a modern-day microfiber, it would be a killer combination IMO.


BTW, in the days before ziplock bags, they came in an elongated oval-shaped tin with a re-useable lid. Wish I would have saved a tin or two.

06-15-2011, 10:57 AM
Could they be an OEM-packaged version of the Kozak cloth? If so, you might be able to get them here for only one $, not $$$.

06-15-2011, 11:31 AM
I have never heard of or tried a Kozak cloth, I will see if they are available here and do a comparo!

06-15-2011, 06:45 PM
I got one from my dad. He said he saw a guy use it on the tank of his motorcycle and it cleaned it up pretty good. I haven't had a chance to try it out myself. Maybe this weekend, I forgot I even had one

09-28-2012, 08:46 AM
It sounds like the Kozak cloth. I use these on my vintage corvettes because I do not like washing them with water and they work phenomenal. I threw out my california duster when I got my first Kozak - the California duster scratched my black car - little fine spider marks. The Kozak did not. I use it between washes on my daily driver - black Audi and it works great. Still blown away at how it works - but definitely works like a dirt magnet without scratching! Great product that you should try. Introduced it to all of my car buddies and they all use it on their Chevelles and Camaros!