View Full Version : Three year old Infiniti question

06-07-2011, 06:57 PM
ok here's the deal. i dont need a pic i'l explain. Bird etching on the hood about a day old. im going to wash and clay and do a test spot with either TSR or Power finish. If neither works the M105 with orange is coming out. This is my neighbor so i dont want to eff up the clear but honestly i dont think my PC will bother the clear but does anyone have any info on how Infiniti's clear is like?

I think worst case scenario is most of the etching will come out. How long should i work the above products in before realizing that enough is enough?

Again, i dont think the clear coat will be affected but the stain is only a day old.

Thanks. Paul

Setec Astronomy
06-07-2011, 08:13 PM
I think you shouldn't have waited three years to ask the question. Wait--I think I misunderstood something.

I believe the reason you have had no replies to this question is that no one can really tell you how deep it has etched, or how much clear is on the car in question. It's really a judgement call as to what it's going to take to burn through the clear and whether you can get the etch out without breaking through or thinning the clear too much. That fact that it's only been there a day also really is meaningless...we've all seen etches almost down to the primer seemingly in the blink of an eye, while some poop can sit on there for a year and not leave a mark. It all depends...

So anyway, here is my advice...I'd put some baking soda paste on it for a little while and try to neutralize anything that's in the paint matrix (this may be a waste of time but it won't hurt anything--some people say to alternate with IPA also). Be aware that sometimes polishing oils may "soak in" to the etch and make it less visible...in which case it will reappear after the sun bakes the oils off. My rule of thumb would be that if it's an etch that you can only see at certain angles...then it will likely be safe to take out. If you can see that there is obvious cratering or bubbling within the etch...just like a scratch that you can catch ur fingernail in...likely it's too deep to remove completely. Good luck and my IP address is untraceable if you burn thru the clear...

06-07-2011, 08:49 PM
I had a G35 for a couple years. Infiniti paint is pretty easy to correct. I never needed to use 105 or an orange pad. Power finish, 106FA and 85RD are all I needed.

06-08-2011, 11:05 AM
sorry for the mis-information. the car is three years old but the etching was just applied yesterday. the car is my neighbor's so i knew the bird dropping was new. anyway, long story short, the etching came out with M105. The problem i noticed since he didnt want it compounded was the clear seemed hard and the Power Finish didnt get rid of everything. He was pleased with the results but ive had much better luck with 203 in the past.

06-08-2011, 11:28 AM
I worked on a G35 (2005) And the paint was actually really soft in my experience

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