View Full Version : Start Up Kit for Father-in-law

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06-06-2011, 10:23 AM
I have been tasked by my wife to help out in putting together a detailing start up kit for my father-in-law (for Father's day), who is notoriously difficult to buy gifts for, but he does like washing his cars and keeping them clean.

Obviously I do not want to overwhelm him right from the start or give him too much to figure out on his own before I get a chance to help him learn a bit more about proper detailing method etc.

Currently he uses OTC products from the local wally-world, so really anything would be an improvement.

This is what I am thinking as a start up kit ... I would really like to include clay, but that might be too much to start off with (plus I will need Christmas gift ideas as well).

I am looking for any feedback, my goal is to include some great products that are dead simple to use, versatile, and will give great results.


06-06-2011, 10:33 AM
I would add a simple clay kit. It's easy to use and makes the paint feel awesome and easier to dry and wax since it grabs the towels less once the contaminants are removed.

06-06-2011, 10:44 AM
Rather than a sample bottle of IG, spend the extra $7.99 and get a full size bottle. He'll never touch Windex again. Since he seems like an amateur enthusiast, I would recommend Collinite 845 (http://www.autogeek.net/collinite-insulator-wax-845.html) instead of the SSII for its durability. If you want, add an inexpensive carnauba paste like Natty's Blue (http://www.autogeek.net/nattys-blue.html). Disclaimer: I've never used NB but I've read very good reviews on it.

Setec Astronomy
06-06-2011, 10:47 AM
It does seem like some light claying would be in order before an expensive wax like the SSII. I'm sure you'd like to get him something non-staining; how about swapping out the SSII for some 845 and save the SSII for the Christmas gift? And add the clay in now or then.

06-06-2011, 11:07 AM
Bill, what a great idea for a gift!

The Sour Power is a great choice for a gift.

Natty's Blue is a great suggestion. It is such an extreme joy to use. The fact you can use it in the sun is the biggest part of that but the scent is strong enough that it actually affects the whole experience. I Love that smell!

Not sure I would pick those towels for him.

I think you can get a bottle of Stoners for like 5$ at Walmart. Then you can use the sample to get some DP Tire Gel.

Give him a heads up or do it yourself: You can use a razor to remove the elastic band from that mitt. It will harden up (just my preference)

What are his wheels like? Maybe a Speedmaster brush? Probably save that one for his birthday

06-06-2011, 11:13 AM
save the SSII for the Christmas gift?

Good idea. Start him on the "less expensive than boutique but better than OTC" stuff and if he likes what you got him then you can step up to more expensive products.

I don't see a wheel cleaner on that list. What about a 17 oz bottle of Optimum Power Clean (http://www.autogeek.net/optimum-power-clean-apc.html)?

06-06-2011, 11:36 AM
Bill -

Great gift idea!

You're getting lots of good ideas and I'll second the do several OTC products for him and save some of the more boutique items for 'special occasions'.

I will also put in the good word for Stoners Invisible Glass which is definitely OTC and works as well if not better than most window cleaners.

06-06-2011, 11:41 AM
If I may tweak your order slightly.

I would drop the chenille wash mit and go with one of these bad boys.
Sheepskin Wash Pad, wool wash pad (http://www.autogeek.net/sheepskin-wash-pad.html)

I would probably let go of the 3pack pad applicators because from what I remember the Signature wax comes with an applicator pad.

Then in the end I might throw in a quick detail spray.
DP Final Gloss™ Quick Detailer is a car detail spray to clean and shine your car between washes. Refresh car wax and paint sealants with this high (http://www.autogeek.net/dp-final-gloss-detailer.html)
And call it a day. Good start to your FIL gift!

06-06-2011, 11:53 AM
Some really good ideas here ... StoneRaizer - OPC is a great idea, I have a gallon, so I will mix some up for all purpose interior and exterior cleaning in a spray bottle.

Corey - good point on the DP Tire Gloss, I have about 6 bottles of that, so I'll send a bottle his way.

I am not a fan of sheepskin wash mitts, I had a bad experience with one in the past, so I will keep the MF mitt and head Corey's warning.

This is harder than I thought it would be, there are so many products I wish I could include at the beginning like UTTG, UIGP, Clay, Lube, FK425 etc. but it kinda blows up my budget.

I'll re-work the list and re-post shortly.

Edit: will Natty's Blue stain trim?

06-06-2011, 12:11 PM
OK, here is version 2 of the list:

Towels are still up in the air, reviewing other options on that, but I am leaving them on the list to remind me to actually get them.

I did add a clay bar system (I like the Mothers Clay and especially the spray mmm cinnamon)

I'll suggest he pick up Stoners IG locally (shouldn't be an issue).
I will add some DP Tire Gloss from my own stockpile.
I will add some OPC 3:1 from my own stockpile.

Depending on how this goes, next gift (Christmas / Birthday) will include some wheel brushes, boutique wax, second bucket w/ GG, and UIGP+.

john b
06-06-2011, 12:15 PM
throw in a 8oz. polyseal and a couple microfiber pads-he could use it by hand-very versatile product

06-06-2011, 12:16 PM
Looks like you have it covered.

If you need someone else to provide gifts for, remember I live within 2 hours of you and I'd be fine with picking it up. :laughing:

06-06-2011, 01:11 PM
MF Towels are cheap at Wally World. I picked up a pack of 15 for $9.88. 16" x 16" with rolled edges in 3-colors (5 each) per pack. After a quick wash with no fabric softener and tumble dry, they come up every bit as soft and lint-free as the ones I got online for 5-times the price. They are slightly smaller, but still up to the task - and cheap enough that I don't take any chances - if they get dropped, they get tossed. Period.

06-06-2011, 02:01 PM
Hmm, I've never gotten Nattys BLue on trim so I can't be sure.


06-06-2011, 02:47 PM
I would replace the 303 wipes with a sprayable 303 product. Havent ever been a huge fan of wipe style products.

Other than that, it appears to be a great starter kit without being overwhelming.