View Full Version : Washing in the rain?

06-04-2011, 06:28 PM
Any harm in washing a car during a light rain? I would use regular 2bm, pre- and post-rinse with hose (as well as the rain of course), then pull into garage to dry.

Or does the rain interfere with the lubrication from the car wash soap?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


06-04-2011, 06:32 PM
No problem. I have done this and my only problem was that I pulled it into the garage to dry. When I went under the edge of the roof some grit from the shingles could have gotten on the paint so I just rinsed it real quick again in the garage. Now on my daily drivers that sit outside I washed them before in the rain and all it meant was that there was no point in wasting my time drying them :)

06-04-2011, 08:15 PM
If your in an area with acid rain, you might wanna rinse off all rain water prior to drying. Just my personal thoughts ...

06-04-2011, 08:47 PM
We are truly obsessed. We wash our cars in the rain.:detailer:

James K
06-04-2011, 08:50 PM
I do it if the car is dirty. That way if I can not dry it after the rain is over at least the dirt will not dry in the water spots.

06-04-2011, 10:57 PM
if it was me doing that, it would be raining in the morning and i'd have to drive my freshly cleaned car out into the rain:laughing:

06-05-2011, 01:11 PM
Ive done it plenty of times living in WA, pull er in and dry it off and continue on with detailing. I have gutters so I don't have to worry about crap falling on the car. Also shouldn't rain be like distilled??

06-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Any harm in washing a car during a light rain? I would use regular 2bm, pre- and post-rinse with hose (as well as the rain of course), then pull into garage to dry.

Or does the rain interfere with the lubrication from the car wash soap?

IMO...Water is the universal solvent--the more water on the paint surface to help float away contaminates the better.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Washing my vehicles in the rain?
-I have enough trouble just "Singing In The Rain"
-My wife says I don't have sense enough to get out of the rain. :)


Flash Gordon
06-05-2011, 03:03 PM
If your in an area with acid rain, you might wanna rinse off all rain water prior to drying. Just my personal thoughts ...

My area doesn't have much or any acid rain, but I still like to give the car one final rinse then hurriedly get it undercover to dry

I freak out thinking dirt particles are getting all over it otherwise

06-05-2011, 04:43 PM
Back in the early '80's, in an effort to keep my 'vette looking good, I bought a book titled "Secrets of Show Cars", a guide to show quality detailing. Some of the advice was given by some Corvette restorers, who had won the "Bloomington Gold" award, the pinnacle of the 'vette crowd. They would pull their trailer queens outside in a light rain to get rinsed, then towel them off. The thinking was that rainwater left a better finish than water from a hose. Of course that was 30 years ago. Today, the situation might be reversed.


06-06-2011, 07:37 AM
Thanks for all the advice. Of course it ended up not raining yesterday so it was a moot point, but good to know for future washes.

Thanks again!