View Full Version : Chip in paint

05-23-2011, 10:57 AM
My 2011 Sonata GLS in Pacific Blue Pearl and has a small scratch/nick in the rear pas. door and I am not sure how to fix it properly. The area is about 1/8" long and most of it is about the thickness of a business card except for the end where it is about the size of a ball point pen tip. All layers of paint have been chipped and I can see light grey which I am assuming is primer. I put wax over it for now. Should I leave it or touch it up? It is bothering me now, because the car is so new. I probably won't care as much in 5 years. I am including a photo of the scratch although the size is difficult to gage.
http://www.hyundai-forums.com/style_images/1/img-resized.png Reduced 82%
http://www.hyundai-forums.com/uploads/monthly_05_2011/post-126825-1306073599_thumb.jpg (http://www.hyundai-forums.com/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=26321)
800 x 600 (126.99K)

05-23-2011, 11:16 AM

Lots of additional info on the Dr Colorchip product available in various threads and the AG store.

05-23-2011, 12:22 PM
You should touch it up, it will be barely noticable afterwards. There are a few different routes you can take,,

the DIY route, get touchup paint from the dealer and fill it in yourself (there's a lot of threads, videos on how to do that the best way).

You can also ask the dealership who they use for taking care of chips in the paint, they probably use a mobile guy in the area and he should be able to take care of those chips. Make sure to add clear coat once the chips are touched up, ideally you will polish the area also to even out the clear coat with the factory clear.

Goodluck with the new car!

P.S.- I'd gladly take those chips compared to the gash I have starting at the edge of my front fender across my entire passanger door and ending at the beginning of the rear passanger door curtiousy of someone who keyed my car while parked in front of a restuarant.

05-23-2011, 07:00 PM
Great, thanks for the info. Too bad about the gash, some people just can't handle their jealousy.

05-23-2011, 10:04 PM
I will call the dealership, but how can I go about finding a reputable detailer in the long island New York area?