View Full Version : Griot's Garage Steam cleaner

05-15-2011, 09:57 PM
Has anyone here purchased one of these yet? It seems like a very good deal for the price and I'm on the fence about buying it. Just seeing if anyone has heard anthing about them or used them. Griots offers a quick one minute video on it but its not very detailed. Heres a link to the steamer:
Portable Steam Cleaner - Detailing Tools - Tools - Griot's Garage (http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/tools/detailing+tools/portable+steam+cleaner.do)

05-15-2011, 10:38 PM
I have no experience with it but I would wait until Griot's puts on one of their 15% sales on everything in their catalog. They do that fairly regularly.

Right now they have free shipping on everything through the Spring season. That may work out to be similar savings as the catalog says the unit is eighteen pounds before packaging.

While I really like Griot's car care products, you can generally do better on equipment like this. Do a web search...check Amazon.com and see if you can do better.

C. Charles Hahn
05-15-2011, 10:59 PM
That unit looks an awful lot like a Shark steamer, which is what I have and I'm only minimally impressed with it. It likes to sputter just as much water as it does steam, IME...

05-16-2011, 11:47 AM
The McCulloch at Harbor Freight gets great reviews.

05-16-2011, 08:55 PM
It appears to be very similar to the McCullough that is readily available for $99.00 or less. I have the McCullough and, while it is a good steamer, the short 6' hose makes it difficult to use inside a car.