View Full Version : lotion order

01-08-2007, 12:30 AM
So like many of you know, i am on a hunt for the best paint cleansing lotion, well when i was away 2 packages came. The first is from OCD (they sell zymol, as well as I have 15%off). It was at the side of my house, i guees the person looking after our place was there at the right time. So i opened it tonight and took a few pics.
The other order was from AG and it has a few other lotions. It is at the post office, i apperntly owe duty on this one or somthing, i dunno. So those pictures will come tommorow night, now that i have a camera. So there are the pictures.
And like I said i do promise that I will do a review on all these, most likley a group one on a taped off hood but here are some pics to tide you over.

Ohh ya i decided we need pics, since the winter is always slower so this should melt some of the snow ?


TYhe order, from left to right. p21s paint work cleanser, Zymol Clear, HD cleanse, and last pinacle cleansing lotion


the pinnalce


The p21s


And finnaly the zymol. This is the one i look forward to most, see if it lives up to zymols hype, or is on par with the hecklers.



Sorry for the bad photos, taking pictures is not a skill i have. plus i was doing it right before bed.
hope someone enjoys the pictures

Calgary Detail

01-08-2007, 07:43 AM
P21S and Pinnacle make two of the best chemical paint cleaners without any protection. Zymol soap is very nice and thick and foamy. Never found there paint cleaner to be the best, as its a little harder to remove, and didnt leave a huge difference. Does make the panels squeak clean however. Would be interested to see your choice ??

01-08-2007, 09:40 AM
I had used the Zymol soap for many years. I always liked it, but there are a lot better soaps out there like Poorboy's SS&S and Optimum Car Wash.

I do like the Zymol HD-Cleanse though. It really leaves the panels slick.

01-08-2007, 09:40 AM
Question, what is the purpose of a cleansing lotion? From what I have read it's more for brand new cars but that's all I know about it. If anyone could give me some feed back I would appretiate it.

01-08-2007, 11:42 AM
Question, what is the purpose of a cleansing lotion? From what I have read it's more for brand new cars but that's all I know about it. If anyone could give me some feed back I would appretiate it.

a cleansing lotion does what it saids, cleans the paint. It is like a chemical clay. That doset work as well. The thing is when you clay you get everything off, but then you go and polsihg and get oils, and contamients back on the paint. a paint cleanser helps clear these.
There are many people out there who use a cleansing lotion to clean paint instead of clay, since to some clay seams like a scary idea.
I however use cleansing lotion for optical reasons. I have found that when I apply a cleansing lotion prior to the lsp that the paint becomes deaper. This is just my experience but i have found with a lotion i get the effect I want.
When i wax a car i look for depth not shine. Its just what I like. I am even dedicated to making white look deep :p. I have found that the lotions help me with tis. I am on a mission to find the one that makes the paint the deepest, and best looking

Hope this helps

01-08-2007, 12:05 PM
Awesome set of paint cleaners there . have not used the HD cleanse but need to to try it out. the PCL seemed to work well for me as did the GEPC. the GEPC needed to be put on very thin and did not seem to like to play in the sun for me :D let us know how everything works out for you. :cheers:

01-08-2007, 12:31 PM
So i went to the post office after class, I got the AG order, so here it is. Included in this order was

liquid glass paint cleaner, 4star paint cleanser, wolfgang paint work enhansing polsih, and finnaly i wanted to try the dp interior dressing so here it is. This wont be invloved in my reivew o the cleanser but i wanted to take a pic anyway

So here are the pics.

im sure you can figure which one is which


liquid glass:


4 star




and the odd ball, the interior protectant


hope you enjoy the pics as much as i enjpy the product.

01-08-2007, 01:02 PM
How long would you work a cleanser? I assume you use a polishing pad or do it by hand. Can it be done quickly before adding sealant and nuba in order to get the old protection off? I will be interested in which you choose as a fav.

01-08-2007, 01:23 PM
Now get detailing! :righton:

I am very curious to your reviews as I am looking at the P21S, WG polish enhancer, and the Zymol HD.

-Nick :applause:

01-08-2007, 07:20 PM
Is the liquid glass version a chemical cleaner only, or abrasive also ??

01-08-2007, 08:13 PM
DP Interior Surface Protectant is my favorite protectant. I find instead of leaving a glossy dashboard that it just darkens the surface a touch leaving a very matte and "like new" look. Plus it really seems to soak in and leave a dry surface. So, I get less dust accumulation on the dash which is important for a convertible owner.