View Full Version : Will this work for basic rock chips?

05-11-2011, 09:27 AM
I know the rock chips question has been asked over and over but I'm wondering if how I plan to get rid of them will be sufficient for my needs. The car's not even a year old and these are very small nicks for the most part. I've noticed a bit of rust in the chips so I was thinking of using a fiberglass pen to remove it (if I can fit - is there a good chemical agent that would do this better?), then just using one of my small modeling brushes to dab in touch-up paint I got from my dealership. I've heard people say to then sand the area and apply clear coat but since these nicks are so small I wonder if that's overkill? Plus I'm a total noob so I would probably find some way to screw that up royal. I attached some pics to show the exact size - car is a 2010 Honda Insight in white.

05-11-2011, 10:05 AM
dr colorchip

05-11-2011, 10:18 AM
dr colorchip

Yeah that's what I've seen repeatedly. I guess I'm trying to save myself a bit of scratch (having also already purchased the touch-up paint and pen).

05-11-2011, 11:04 AM
if it's a daily driver then just use the touchup pen after getting rid of the rust. Don't use the applicator though. put some on a piece of wax paper then use a toothpick to put the thinnest layer you can. Might have to do it 3-4 times to build up the paint. Patience is key.

Dr. Colourchip is good for road rash but I didn't have much success doing bigger chips with it. Haven't given up on it yet since I got the largest size...

keep in mind it works better on dark colours too..

05-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Some good advice given above.

Once the chips have been repaired to your satisfaction/standards, and, to reduce further chip occurrence, you could consider having clear paint-protection-film applied to the more vulnerable areas of your vehicle.

05-11-2011, 11:17 PM
I have two hondas in my family and must admit they rust quickly when chipped; I don't know if it's due to weak galvanization or what, but you definitely want to get on top of chips quickly to prevent rust and serious paint damage long term. The tips above and your choice of a fiberglass sanding pen will work fine. I'm waiting to try Dr. colorchip, but from what members say I would hold off because the paint dries out quickly and it probably is not worth the expense to just fill a couple chips. Best of luck.

05-12-2011, 02:42 PM
I got the largest size and followed their advice about coating the rim with petroleum jelly before putting on the plastic cover, then screwed the lid on.

In addition, I put a thin piece of Glad press and seal around the neck of the bottle, then store the bottle upside down. It's only been 3 weeks but last time I went to use it, it was fine. I've got about 2/3 of the bottle left...