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Kaleb G.
05-04-2011, 02:58 PM
Been a big animal lover my whole life. Grew up helping my grandpa bottle feed newborn cows, goats, sheep, and about everything else that he could buy... we even had emus for a few years...

Just wondering if anybody else maintains their own petting zoo. We're up to a 3 year old Boston terrier, a whiney @#$ cat, a 5 year old and a 7 week old rabbit, Yadi the hamster, and my baby Sami who turns 14 this June (she's a Siberian husky).

Scott DeBrun
05-04-2011, 03:13 PM
We have three cats two sisters and Chewie the Wonder Cat and that's plenty for us. Chewie is the one giving you the "whatz amadder for you look" on my avatar.

05-04-2011, 05:19 PM
I don't have a zoo but 2 dogs. Always grew up with animals and my family had a farm in missouri that I spent the summers at.

Kaleb G.
05-04-2011, 05:26 PM
The rabbits and hamster are with me and my girlfriend. We're allowed to have caged animals in our apartment. The others are at my parents house. Husky is mine, though.

05-04-2011, 05:38 PM
we have five animals 3 black labs (libby bally and pub) all my girlfriends and my baby girl katie pitbull and english bulldog mix going on 9 years old. And i cant forget my girlfriends dwarf bunny mooca that i got her for her bday

05-04-2011, 05:42 PM
Yeah I'd say I'm an animal person.

When I got married I brought with me 3 cats. She had one cat and one dog.

Unfortunately her cat just past away sometime yesterday between midnight and 6am. She had been sick the last couple days so we were not expecting a good out come. It's a bit sad around the house right now, but Kitty had a good 18 years before her passing.

Unfortunately 2 of the 3 cats I had have passed on over the last couple years. Once the wife's dog passes on I think we will attempt to get another couple cats and an indoor type dog. We had talked about it a couple months ago and both agreed that we didn't want to introduce any new pets until the older ones had gone so as to not stress them (Kitty was not a happy camper when 3 new cats invaded her territory LOL)

So right now the petting zoo consists of 1 dalmatian/lab mix dog, 1 cat and 3 fish

05-04-2011, 06:02 PM
Yup, we're animal lovers! We have 2 dogs and 3 cats. One cat was ours and the other two "were" our oldest daughters but she can' have them where she lives... Seems pretty darn convenient if you ask me!


My wife and I were in PetCo a couple of weeks ago and the Humane Society was there with a bunch of cats they were trying to find homes for. My wife said awwwww, aren't they cute.....I said NO...

I asked the folks what happens to the cats they don't find homes for; "do they go to the Chinese restaurant next door? They did not appreciate my humor.....:laughing:

I also support PETA...........PEOPLE who EAST TASTY ANIMALS!! :laughing:

Scott DeBrun
05-04-2011, 06:31 PM
Yup, we're animal lovers! We have 2 dogs and 3 cats. One cat was ours and the other two "were" our oldest daughters but she can' have them where she lives... Seems pretty darn convenient if you ask me!


My wife and I were in PetCo a couple of weeks ago and the Humane Society was there with a bunch of cats they were trying to find homes for. My wife said awwwww, aren't they cute.....I said NO...

I asked the folks what happens to the cats they don't find homes for; "do they go to the Chinese restaurant next door? They did not appreciate my humor.....:laughing:

I also support PETA...........PEOPLE who EAST TASTY ANIMALS!! :laughing:
Bobby I'll make sure Chewie the Wonder Cat doesn't read your post.:laughing:

05-04-2011, 06:35 PM
Yeah I'd say I'm an animal person.

When I got married I brought with me 3 cats. She had one cat and one dog.

Unfortunately her cat just past away sometime yesterday between midnight and 6am. She had been sick the last couple days so we were not expecting a good out come. It's a bit sad around the house right now, but Kitty had a good 18 years before her passing.

Unfortunately 2 of the 3 cats I had have passed on over the last couple years. Once the wife's dog passes on I think we will attempt to get another couple cats and an indoor type dog. We had talked about it a couple months ago and both agreed that we didn't want to introduce any new pets until the older ones had gone so as to not stress them (Kitty was not a happy camper when 3 new cats invaded her territory LOL)

So right now the petting zoo consists of 1 dalmatian/lab mix dog, 1 cat and 3 fish
sorry to here that but i also had a cat named kitty that lived for 18 years. brought back memory's when you said you had a cat named kitty

Kaleb G.
05-04-2011, 06:44 PM
Here's my zoo...




Newest addition!



05-04-2011, 06:47 PM
Bobby I'll make sure Chewie the Wonder Cat doesn't read your post.:laughing:

Tell Chewie I was only kidding!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

05-04-2011, 06:53 PM
sorry to here that but i also had a cat named kitty that lived for 18 years. brought back memory's when you said you had a cat named kitty

Thanks - It's been rough, but I'll survive.

05-04-2011, 07:22 PM
Thanks - It's been rough, but I'll survive.
Time heals all wounds.

05-04-2011, 08:13 PM
I have 3 kitties. 2 are about 3 years old and the youngest is a year and half.

Heres Boo. We call him Batman also.. (bet you can't guess why!) My girlfriends dad brought him home one day so they decided to keep him. We're pretty positive he's a Bombay.


Here's Marley. She was a barn kitty for her first 4-5 months. So she is a lot more curious then the average cat. For some reason she is obsessed with me.


Those two are lovers and cuddle all day.


Heres Diego. Or Baby D as we frequently call him. We went to the humane society on a whim and fell in love with him. He's the largest of the 3 by far. Pure muscle and fur.. a lot of fur. He was 8 weeks old when we got him. Most affectionate cat i've ever owned. And he plays fetch! He is a Norwegian Forest Cat.



Pain at times (well, most of the time), but I love them all anyways.

05-05-2011, 07:14 AM
I'm in also. Only one dog in our zoo...a slightly (yea right) spoiled gentleman. We've had at least one dog since we got married (46 years ago). A pain in the toosh... can't 'go' when you want, always have to plan for them...yes, but to me (us) very worth it.
