View Full Version : Uploading Photos - Help!

04-26-2011, 04:55 PM
Have been trying to upload photos without success. And yes, I'm not real computer savy. Would much rather be polishing a car. Went to the "Upload Photos" section of forum, but found no directions. I know you have to reduce photo size, and bring it into the upload photo screen, but how?

Mike Phillips
04-26-2011, 04:57 PM
How to upload a photo into your Autogeek Photo Gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-do-different-types-things-ag-discussion-forum/21295-how-upload-photo-into-your-autogeek-photo-gallery.html)

This how-to article will show you how to upload a photo on your computer into your photo gallery that you get with your Autogeek discussion forum membership.

It's important to resize your pictures first in an effort to be a good steward of the Autogeek resources; we'll write a how-to article for that in the near future.

First, make sure you're logged-in to the Autogeek forum. If you're not sure how to tell if you're logged in, here's an article that will show you how to tell.

How to tell if you're logged into the forum? (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-do-different-types-things-ag-discussion-forum/21293-how-tell-if-you-re-logged-into-forum.html)

Next, locate the text link in the gray horizontal navigation bar that runs across the top of every page of the forum and >click< on it.


Next, you need to know where your photos are on your computer that you want to upload. This may seem like a no-brainer but sometimes Newbies to computers and digital cameras know their photos are on their computer, but they don't know where.


So make sure you know the location of the folder that holds the photos you want to upload because you're going to need to tell the PhotoPost Gallery where the photos are stored by browsing to them.

After clicking to your gallery, you'll see a screen that looks like this,


If you have more than one photo to upload, continue to >click< on the Browse button and select another photo. Remember which photos you have added and try not to select the same photo twice.

Next, add a title, description and keywords for your photos and then >click< on the Upload/Submit button. If you want to add different titles, descriptions and keywords for each photo you will have a chance to do this in the next screen when uploading multiple pictures.


Ta da! That's it, you have just successfully uploaded your photos into your photo gallery here on the Autogeek Online Discussion Forum.

Next we'll take a look at how to insert your photos into your messages.

Mike Phillips
04-26-2011, 05:00 PM
Just a quick note...

One of the most common problems people experience when trying to upload photos anywhere on the Internet is using the wrong file naming protocol.

Your pictures must be named in a file protocol the "Internet" can use, not just your computer. By this I mean you can't have any spaces in the name.

This will work


This won't work,

My pictures are cool.jpg

Make sense?

You can also e-mail a SINGLE picture and I'll try to upload it for you and by doing so I can see if there are any problems.



04-27-2011, 06:12 AM
Thanks Mike. I'll give it a try tonight and see how it works. I think I was getting hung up with the description - i.e., leaving spaces. Hopefully I can resize my photos using photo software on my computer.

04-27-2011, 05:45 PM
Ok Mike, I've done all the steps as listed in your reply up to the point of how to insert the photos into my threads. They are the right size, labelled, and currently reside under my photos in "Upload Photos". How do I get them from there to thread???

Mike Phillips
04-27-2011, 05:53 PM
How do I get them from there to thread???

Great question and I have a picture tutorial to show you how... all of these types of artcles can be found here,

Tips, Techniques and How-to Articles for Interacting on Discussion Forums (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/)

Here you go...

How to insert an image from your photo gallery into your message (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles-discussion-forums/21313-how-insert-image-your-photo-gallery-into-your-message.html)

From the forum homepage, first verify that you're logged-in. In your User CP box it should say,

Welcome back your username

Next, click on the text link Upload Photos


The next screen will look like this, click on the text link that reads My Photos


In this next screen you'll see what are called "Thumbnails" of your full size images. Click on the Thumbnail of the photo you want to insert, in this example we'll click on the front view of Nate Trueman's 1966 Batmobile recreation.


Clicking on the Thumbnail will pull up a larger size image of the Thumbnail.


Now that you have the full size image pulled up inside the Photo Gallery, you need to get what's called the URL Address.

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and the URL Address is the path to where your picture is located on the Internet so that a web browser can recognize and display it using what are called Image Tags.

There's usually a couple of different ways to get the URL Address for a photo. Different browsers will give you different options. In this example I'm using Internet Explorer but you can apply the same principals when using browsers like Firefox etc.

I'm going to show you how I do it, feel free to explore other ways within the Photo Gallery software to snag the URL Address.

The way I do it is to right click on top of the picture. This will pull up a dialog or information box about the picture. Inside this box you'll see this,


Note: You need the complete URL Address or you will end up with a Red X. The entire URL address is going to start with http and end with .jpg

So take your cursor and highlight the entire URL Address and then right click on top of the highlighted text and when it brings up another dialog box, select copy.


Now go to the message where you want to insert your picture.

To insert your image you want to click on the little tiny "Picture Icon" right above the message box where there are text formatting options.

The one that looks like this -----> http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/images/editor/insertimage.gif <------
It will pull up a dialog window that looks like the image in the picture below.

You want to paste the URL Address into the dialog window and then click on OK


Important: If you fidget with your mouse it's real easy to un-highlight the http:// code and then when you paste the URL Address into the dialog box you'll end up with the code http:// twice and it will look like this


Having the http:// twice in the code will cause a Red X to show up instead of your picture.

If you did everything correctly, your picture should show up like this,


It's really not that complicated after you figure out how to do it the first time, kind of like riding a bike.

Hope this helps...


04-28-2011, 10:45 AM
Thank you Mike! I will try this out when I get home from work today.:dblthumb2:

Mike Phillips
04-28-2011, 11:30 AM
Here's a new one on how to resize huge photos...

How to resize your photos before uploading to a photo gallery (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/35250-how-resize-your-photos-before-uploading-photo-gallery.html)

Easy Thumbnails = Free Software = Works Great - Been using it for years...
