View Full Version : Getting UTTGP of plastics

04-26-2011, 12:38 AM
I have some places on some of my exterior plastic trim where I can tell that I applied way too much of the Ultima Tire and Trim Guard Plus, since the textured plastic isn't really visible and and has gel look from the product. I was able to wipe some of it off down to the plastic using a dry cloth, but I was wondering if there is an easier method. I don't really want to break out an APC or any strong cleaners to clean this stuff off if not nessacary to avoid cleaning or dulling the plastic trim. Any suggestions on what to use to get all of the old UTTGP product off that way I can start fresh?

04-26-2011, 06:57 AM
How "old" is it? I use CeeDog's method for non-porous plastic - apply and then buff off the excess a couple times. That works very well when fresh. It will also wash off with Stoner's.

04-29-2011, 01:46 AM
Last time I put it on was couple months ago, and before that another couple months. So there's is probably a build up of old product on there. It's on porous plastic, and apply new doesn't really get the old thicker stuff off. I can get the old product off using a dry cloth and wiping on the plastic a few times using a little pressure, but that can be kind of time consuming to do it all. Which Stoners product are you talking about, the glass cleaner?

04-29-2011, 06:21 AM
Yes, the glass cleaner.