View Full Version : one quick question about QDs...

04-25-2011, 01:34 PM
Yesterday I picked up some Meg's Ultimate QD on my way home from work (yep, I worked on Easter...)

When I got home I realized I had a brand-new TurtleWax QD for Black finishes in the cabinet.

I'm assuming the TW is probably junk, but since I have a black car, which would you guys use?

04-25-2011, 02:37 PM
Try them both.
If you don't like the TW as a QD, try it as a clay lube

04-26-2011, 07:16 AM
So far I still like Adams QD for my wife's black Lexus. DP NR diluted to QD kinda works, but not as much gloss as a dedicated QD like Adams. Like SC says, you can always use the TW for clay lube.

Garry Dean
04-26-2011, 08:10 AM
There are no right or wrong answers regarding brands. If you try a product and you like it thats all that matters.

Dont get dragged into the drama about brand x being bad because its not as popular.

James K
04-26-2011, 08:13 AM
My question is this, what make the TW specific to black?

Anyway, use whatever works better for you. Try them both.

04-26-2011, 09:03 AM
I've seen the TW detailer for black, but didn't buy it. Personally, I think it is a marketing ploy. Tried teh TW Black Box Wax, and wasn't all that impressed with it.

Like some others said, try it and see if you like it. Why not do a side by side comparison and write a review?

I haven't used enough QDs to give an informed opinion on brands, so am kind of curious myself.