View Full Version : Drying

04-23-2011, 03:39 PM
I've seen a few posts on using a leaf blower to dry a car. I've used an air compressor and Cobra drying towel. but I'm not 100% satisfied with this. Air compressor takes too long and the drying towel never seems to get all the water.

So I am looking at a leaf blower. How much power do you need, after all car drying is its only task. I'm trying to spend a little as possible on this.

04-23-2011, 03:54 PM
After I wash, I flood the surface than use my 7 amp leaf blower than FK 425 and a WW to finish.

04-23-2011, 04:03 PM
Here's mine!


I bought this at Lowe's 2 years ago for about $50.00............:props:

04-23-2011, 04:33 PM
leaf blowers are ok to a certain point but don't use it to solely as it takes to long to dry the car.. id still use a ww towel

James K
04-23-2011, 04:40 PM
I use a homelite model from home depot. Cost about $50. It works great for getting water from headlights, trim, emblems, gas door etc. Does not take long at all. Car is dry in a couple of minutes. Then some qd and a ww and its good to go.

04-23-2011, 04:40 PM
Thats very strange. I dont use a leaf blower or anything since i live in apartments and i wash my car at the local car wash. I use only ONE towel to dry the entire car and that thing even feels dry after im done. It has never scratched my car. I would notice since its black. PM me if You are interested in witch MF towel im talking about since AG dosent sell it.

04-23-2011, 04:55 PM
Thats very strange. I dont use a leaf blower or anything since i live in apartments and i wash my car at the local car wash. I use only ONE towel to dry the entire car and that thing even feels dry after im done. It has never scratched my car. I would notice since its black. PM me if You are interested in witch MF towel im talking about since AG dosent sell it.
So no water drips from your side mirrors, grille or trunk after your drive away?

04-23-2011, 05:27 PM
After spending hours correcting, sealing, and waxing our cars and trucks we quickly learn how little it takes to induce defects back onto that glossy finish. Wiping the car with anything contacts the finish. Knowing this I decided to to the leaf blower route and was I ever pleased with this decision.

High speed clean air literally blows the water from the finish without actually touching it... :props:

04-23-2011, 05:46 PM
maybe its time for a Master Blaster ...

04-23-2011, 06:35 PM
So no water drips from your side mirrors, grille or trunk after your drive away?
i did a test to see where all the water then drips after and its just the hood, trunk and mirrors. i open the trunk and just do one wipe and same with hood and mirrors. then i do the whole car.

04-23-2011, 07:44 PM
Leaf blowers don't have filters so they pick up all the dust and sand around and throw it at the paint at 120mph or so. They are very coarse tools, for example, you point it at the driveway for just a second and it picks up all the dirt, sand, etc, into the air and throws it onto your paint. Any other procedure after that, polishing, QD, wax is tainted with grit.

I use a shop-vac in reverse with a tight filter and a very narrow nozzle. I dry the car first with the Cobra waffle towels - no harm to the paint - and then use the vac for all the crevices, emblems, tires, wheels, lamps, mirrors and such. Anywhere where water collects and can't be dried with a waffle towel. Takes about 15-minutes but it's worth it if I'm doing any kind of polishing or waxing because I don't have to wait for all that stuff to dry on its own.



04-23-2011, 07:58 PM
You want an electric blower that has speeds atleast to 225mph. I use one that my parents had for years and I took it when I moved out lol. I use that, meguiars water magnets and fx showroom drying towel. My initial dry before polishing I use mostly towels atleast 4 and the blower for cracks and crevises. On a nicely waxed car the blower dries real fast and one towel to blot dry is all you need.

04-23-2011, 08:49 PM
Leaf blowers don't have filters so they pick up all the dust and sand around and throw it at the paint at 120mph or so. They are very coarse tools, for example, you point it at the driveway for just a second and it picks up all the dirt, sand, etc, into the air and throws it onto your paint. Any other procedure after that, polishing, QD, wax is tainted with grit.

As the ground is now wet after the car wash, I find that hard to believe.

04-23-2011, 09:01 PM
As the ground is now wet after the car wash, I find that hard to believe.

My lawn crew comes around every Monday, rain or shine. You should see the cars that are parked outside after they blow stuff around, wet makes it even worse!



04-23-2011, 09:05 PM
My lawn crew comes around every Monday, rain or shine. You should see the cars that are parked outside after they blow stuff around, wet makes it even worse!



Yeah, but they don't care, I do.