View Full Version : Newbe takes the Plunge

04-16-2011, 03:07 PM
Thanks to all for the great info given over the last few days. Searched the forum and reviewed lots of links and videos. Finally decided on the Flex 3401 and made my first purchase with Autogeek Friday and they were great! Very helpful and shipped right away with delivery, believe it or not, next Tuesday! Purchased the Wolfgang kit plus some extras which included the following:

FLEX XC3401 VRG Orbital Polisher w/ 5-1/2 inch backing plate
WG Total Swirl Remover 3.0
WG Finishing Glaze 3.0
WG Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0
WG Instant Polishing Pad
3 CCS Pads
1 CCS red pad (free)
2 Cobra towels
Collinite Liquid Wax (BOGO)
Pinnacle Ultra Poly Clay w/Lub

Might try other products later, but for now will stick with WG products. Didn't order any pad cleaner or conditioner, as I don't think they are necessary. I know they come with other kits, but I plan on using soap and water for cleaning and whatever product I'm using for priming the pad. Anyone use pad cleaner and/or conditioner? One better than the other?

Also, any guidence on which extension cord will work best with the Flex - 16/3, 14/3, or 12/3?

Anyone have any other recommendations? What did I miss on the polishing/waxing front?

In the mean time, I'm really looking forward to using my new Flex 3401 and will try to post some before and after pics.

Mike Phillips
04-16-2011, 03:12 PM
Use a heavy duty extension cord, don't use a lightweight...

Also, most important... before buffing out an entire car... do a TEST SPOT

Make sure your approach, that is pads, products and technique, work to make one small section look GREAT!

If it the test section looks like you hope and expect then simply duplicate the process over the rest of the vehicle and you're guaranteed a show car finish. If the test section doesn't meet your expectations then post back here what you're seeing and our forum community will do their best to tweak your technique and see you through to success!


04-16-2011, 05:30 PM
Swimmer, Like you I'm pretty new to this, and like you I bought a Flex 3401. Congrats, good luck, and have fun. I kept pad cleaner mixed with water in a bucket when I was working and dropped the used pad into it when I switched to new pad; soaking in the solution made cleaning the pad when I finished much easier. Also, the pad conditioner being sprayed on before applying product made the polishing process go smoother. I try to pick up the two on sale whenever I can get a good price. Good luck.

04-17-2011, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the advice, Mike. I'll definitely make sure I use the heavy duty type cord and do the test spot first, as demonstrated in one of your videos. I'll go back over the videos again before taking my Flex on a test drive.

And JSMet, I appreciate your insight on the cleaner and conditioner. Think I'll make due for now and pick some up later when they might be on sale.

I know one thing with all the pine pollen falling in NC this time of year, it's hard to keep a car clean! My dark gray honda was yellow until I washed it today.
