View Full Version : MicroRestore - I think Tide worked better..

04-14-2011, 05:35 PM
Hey guys. Just got a new shipment of MF's in and ordered some MicroRestore with it since I did not have a dedicated MF soap yet. I washed the new MF's along with some used MF's that needed cleaning and because of the amount of towels, I used 2 oz's of the MicroRestore. I read that for heavy soiled towels you use 2oz's and because of the amount of mf's I had washed, I figured I'd use 2oz's to be on the safe side. Well the ones that were dirty were, for the most part clean after the wash, but some still had stains and overall were defvinitely dirtier than when I used regular Tide laundry detergent. Did I not use enough?

I also wondered about the consistency of the MicroRestore, it was very thin and watery, didn't look like typical detergent at all, is that how it normally looks? I ordered from another site (I know, big mistake) and the product came in 4-8oz bottles that were unlabled, but I had heard great things about this place and couldn't beat the price of the MF's so I put enough in the order to get free shipping. ANyways, I just want to make sure that what I got was microrestore and not some random crap thrown into bottles. Thanks for listening guys and let me know who has used MicroRestore and what you thought.

04-14-2011, 05:49 PM
I use a minimum of 2 ounces and more when I have a larger load so often at least 3. I also use the pre-soak cycle occasionally.

04-14-2011, 05:59 PM
I use "All" detergent with no perfumes or dyes. Presoak, stain clean, hot water, extra rinse, extra spin cycles. I have front load washer. Works great!

04-14-2011, 06:02 PM
Yes, it has a watery consistency and a relatively mild odor and sudsing action. Personally, I usually either pre-treat stained MF's (typically with an APC) or simply don't bother due to the task they are assigned to (just as long as they come out "clean"). I also separate towels by task so the ones that are usually stained are not ones that I am that concerned about. For those, I might even forego the MR and just use another detergent and/or APC in the wash (which I do on occasion). However, for my “good” towels, I like MR since it is relatively gentle, effective and clean rinsing. I will also pre-treat those (if necessary) typically by pre-soaking them in an APC solution but it’s rare that I have to.

In either case, there are plenty of folks using other detergents/solutions to wash their MF towels without issue. While I like MF-specific cleaners like MR, I don’t believe they are necessarily “necessary”.

MI Mike
04-14-2011, 06:16 PM
I have found that any (incl. generics), that are Free and Clear of Dye & Fragrance work. On rare occassions I will mix the MF Soap/cleaner with the Free & Clear (cocktail) to use as a pre-soak. All of this followed by the white-vinegar mix in the rinse cycle.

04-14-2011, 07:04 PM
Ok, so I did get what I bought. I don't have enough mf's to really seperate the polishing ones from the typical duty ones. So far, I'm used the majority for interior work and don't use many for the actual paint of a car. As i get customers, that may change depending on what services they want me to perform but currently, I go through alot more interior mf's than I do mf's that touch the paint

04-14-2011, 07:23 PM
Can anyone here give the best way to clean microfiber without all that hassle of stain clean or whatever like the poster mentioned above?

I plan on putting all my paint safe MF towels along with some detergent I have with no fabric softner. That should be fine right? How many cycles?