View Full Version : Kind of Cool for Drywash System

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Bates Detailing
03-29-2011, 11:01 PM
Went searching around local offices for business while my guys worked on rides today and I picked up a customer today that said she hadn't seen the drywash method since she lived in Florida! She actually brought it up, ...... "Do you use water, or Drywash?!?!?!?" And yes, she said "Drywash" lol....... I told her drywash of course and she was shocked saying, that she had not seen that since she lived in Florida. I told her that I am the only one in Middle TN using that method that I know of. She continued to say that that was a great way of doing it and it PROTECTS her vehicle better than anything she has seen. It was SO nice to hear this for once instead of people asking, "How can you do it without water?" Well, whoever in Florida serviced this woman's car........ A BIG THANX to you!!!!

03-29-2011, 11:30 PM
You know Anthony...it's not really a dry wash if you use liquid. :poke::poke::poke: KIDDING!

Bates Detailing
03-29-2011, 11:34 PM
You know Anthony...it's not really a dry wash if you use liquid. :poke::poke::poke: KIDDING!

LOL - enjoying a night off and get a response like this?!?!?!? Kris - you're awesome bro lol!

(got off at 2 pm by the way!!! unheard of for B & B....... wooooohhoooooooo!!)

03-29-2011, 11:36 PM
LOL - enjoying a night off and get a response like this?!?!?!? Kris - you're awesome bro lol!

(got off at 2 pm by the way!!! unheard of for B & B....... wooooohhoooooooo!!)

Nice, I had a whacked out day, ha. I was all over the place doing random errands. I finally got into some of my mobile equipment and was able to test some stuff out. :dblthumb2:

Bates Detailing
03-29-2011, 11:43 PM
Nice, I had a whacked out day, ha. I was all over the place doing random errands. I finally got into some of my mobile equipment and was able to test some stuff out. :dblthumb2:

Thats why people that are legit..... that charge say 50 an hour actually make 10 an hour lol. I got off at 2 ..... logged in at 230 and worked online till basically now lol. I did take some time to throw the football with the boys , but other than that - all B & B. So I in all actuality made like 10 bucks an hour today lol. But it will all pay off someday right?!?!??!:dblthumb2:

03-29-2011, 11:48 PM
Thats why people that are legit..... that charge say 50 an hour actually make 10 an hour lol. I got off at 2 ..... logged in at 230 and worked online till basically now lol. I did take some time to throw the football with the boys , but other than that - all B & B. So I in all actuality made like 10 bucks an hour today lol. But it will all pay off someday right?!?!??!:dblthumb2:

I made nothing today, haha. But I got some stuff done. I've been trying to schedule a day at least off each week to get things done for mobile and other things. Plus I have the sign issue, ha.

This will surely pay off at some point!!! Once the van is out getting work done, and I'm at the shop getting work done....that's what I'm talkin about!!!

03-29-2011, 11:49 PM
B&B, I love the drywash. I posted these pics up on another thread about beading and I thought my car looked just as good as others. What you think? The DryWash is all I have ever done to it, no wax or anything




Bates Detailing
03-29-2011, 11:53 PM
B&B, I love the drywash. I posted these pics up on another thread about beading and I thought my car looked just as good as others. What you think? The DryWash is all I have ever done to it, no wax or anything




HHHMMMMM, can that really be drywash?!?!??! wierd..... the water seems to bead off the paint?!?!??! Confusing?!?!? LOL - Awesome pics Bro! Thanx for sharing man :dblthumb2:

03-30-2011, 12:03 AM
Thanks. Funny thing is now Im kinda sad winter is almost over because I will do more regular washes now.

Bates Detailing
03-30-2011, 12:05 AM
Thanks. Funny thing is now Im kinda sad winter is almost over because I will do more regular washes now.

Quick question............

Ever notice any marring with this method?!?!?!

If so, what product and method did you use?!?!?

03-30-2011, 12:22 AM
I have not corrected my cars yet. But from looking at scratches and some swirls already on my cars, I have not noticed any added. I even did 3 test spots that I specifically looked for some type of issues being caused. once in the beggining, once midway through the drywash of my car and once at the end. All three times there were no added scratches, swirls or marring. and in one particular time it seemed like it filled in a bit of those swirls to me and a buddy that was helping me.

Bates Detailing
03-30-2011, 12:27 AM
I have not corrected my cars yet. But from looking at scratches and some swirls already on my cars, I have not noticed any added. I even did 3 test spots that I specifically looked for some type of issues being caused. once in the beggining, once midway through the drywash of my car and once at the end. All three times there were no added scratches, swirls or marring. and in one particular time it seemed like it filled in a bit of those swirls to me and a buddy that was helping me.

Sweet - weird though since many people on this forum see the "drywash" method as harmful to a ride?!?!?! Im confused...... so you have had no issues, a lot of beading, and great personal results. Ive only done roughly 1000 +- 100 vehicles and have had no negative issues............ well we are really lucky man! Hope you stay as lucky as I have been and no marring occurs lol.....

Thanx for the pics and your review man :dblthumb2:

03-30-2011, 12:32 AM
No thank you for turning me onto it. although you have caused my wife to give me dirty looks now to.... She does not understand why I need to buy more micros :doh:I just end up saying "B&B is a pro and he told me to do it":dblthumb2: hahaha.

03-30-2011, 12:36 AM
I have not corrected my cars yet. But from looking at scratches and some swirls already on my cars, I have not noticed any added. I even did 3 test spots that I specifically looked for some type of issues being caused. once in the beggining, once midway through the drywash of my car and once at the end. All three times there were no added scratches, swirls or marring. and in one particular time it seemed like it filled in a bit of those swirls to me and a buddy that was helping me.
I can buy that a dry wash might not induce swrils if done properly, but fills them in...dunno about that.

03-30-2011, 12:39 AM
It did for me. Slightly not like a correction but it did. I think I read somewhere that Its the Kaolin Clay that is part to do with this. Again SLIGHTLY is the operative word here. I definitely wouldnt use this and tell someone I have corrected their swirls.