View Full Version : Bummed about missing DF

03-29-2011, 08:12 PM
Got a call from one of my Gator friends and he said lets go to New Orleans to see the Gators, made the trip, got disappointed and missed Detail Fest. Bad Weekened but great time in New Orleans!! Really wanted to show off the vette, spent the week cleaning it to get ready.

11 hour trip from West Palm Beach to New Orleans, rented a car and drove the heck out of it...good trip, bad results....oh well, see everyone next year!

Megan or anyone at AG reading this, is it possible to get my Detail Fest package if I come by one day soon?

Crazy Amos
03-29-2011, 09:45 PM
I hear ya. I wanted to go too but some things are priority over others.