View Full Version : Got the new website up!! Check it out and leave feedback please!!

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hemi ram55
03-25-2011, 11:43 AM
Hey everyone, just put my new website up for my new business. Starting out location based then moving to mobile once i start building that customer base. Take a look and let me know what you all think. feedback is most appreciated!!! Feed back please

WWW.MotorMouthDetailing.com (http://WWW.MotorMouthDetailing.Com)

03-25-2011, 11:52 AM
looks good, just a few thoughts from an SEO guy. Please dont take these as criticism but just an outsiders thoughts :)

- remove the intro splash page, many users looking for a service want the meat and potatoes quickly so they can make a decision faster
- the main paragraph on your index, break it into 2 paragraphs.

just some things to consider once you get traction on steady clients

- add a mailing list where users can enter their email address so you can send "VIP" style only specials. Everyone loves a deal right?

just my $0.02

continued good luck


Flash Gordon
03-25-2011, 12:01 PM
Your prices are way cheap. Engine detailing should be alot more then $10. Same goes for bike ($50)

The menu is confusing to me

Drop that "Full Monty" phrase and just call it a Gold Package or Full Detail

hemi ram55
03-25-2011, 01:03 PM
well the prices are so cheap because after calling around some of the detail shops in my area, they all have specials going on right now. im about 20 bucks cheaper then avg out of about 5 shops. once the specials go away then ill bump them back up a bit. It was 175 for a full detail and that includes a discount on the full package. Im kinda pricing myself out to what the competition is at the moment.

Your prices are way cheap. Engine detailing should be alot more then $10. Same goes for bike ($50)

The menu is confusing to me

Drop that "Full Monty" phrase and just call it a Gold Package or Full Detail

hemi ram55
03-25-2011, 01:23 PM
engine detailing is 40. but i agree, the motorcycle should def be a little higher

Your prices are way cheap. Engine detailing should be alot more then $10. Same goes for bike ($50)

The menu is confusing to me

Drop that "Full Monty" phrase and just call it a Gold Package or Full Detail

hemi ram55
03-25-2011, 01:24 PM
couldnt really find anybody who details bikes. what the normal rate usually?

03-25-2011, 01:27 PM
I agree with the previous posts. Way tooooo cheap! A 3 step polishing for us start at $250.00. You don't want to have your prices so low as to where potential customers would be questioning the quality. You may be running your detail out of your home, but you still need to treat it as a fully functional business. Be as professional as you can.

Also, as a side note...... I don't know where you'll be operating but, in many residential areas there are strict laws about water run-off and home base businesses. I would do some checking to see what laws your area has in place before you go "Full Monte!"

Hope you have a very successful business! Keep us all posted on how things are progressing for you..

Flash Gordon
03-25-2011, 02:23 PM
well the prices are so cheap because after calling around some of the detail shops in my area, they all have specials going on right now. im about 20 bucks cheaper then avg out of about 5 shops. once the specials go away then ill bump them back up a bit. It was 175 for a full detail and that includes a discount on the full package. Im kinda pricing myself out to what the competition is at the moment.

Doesn't matter what your competition charges as long as your better then them and promote yourself in a way they can't or won't

03-25-2011, 04:47 PM
Your prices are way cheap. Engine detailing should be alot more then $10. Same goes for bike ($50)

The menu is confusing to me

Drop that "Full Monty" phrase and just call it a Gold Package or Full Detail

I'm with Flash, and the person who said scratch the intro.

Your prices are LOW LOW LOW. Especially when you have a 3 step polish for $65!!!?? It's one thing to be competitive in the beginning, but holy smokes man...you are gonna tire yourself out for just 65 small dollars.

Any 3 step in my shop is absolutely no less than $300, and can go up to $700 depending on the current condition of the paint. I'm not trying to criticize...just trying to give you an idea of what maybe you could be getting instead of $65.

For $65 I wouldn't even do a Wash & Wax. In fact, the only service I have for that cheap is a spruce up, and that's just a quick express clean up. I don't even consider it to be a detail by any means. Just a wam bam thank you mam type of deal.

Maybe check out some other members sites, and see what they charge roughly...then go off of that. It's gonna be tough to cover the overhead with prices like what you have so far. Charge what you're worth buddy. :dblthumb2:

03-25-2011, 05:13 PM
adjust price please, be competitive but for sure not cost leadership...

03-25-2011, 05:44 PM
couldnt really find anybody who details bikes. what the normal rate usually?

Bikes for me are $100 for street bikes, or sport bikes. $125 for Harleys, and $150 for cruisers. Price goes up from there if they require more than one step on the paint. Can get up to $250 with custom bikes that have excessive chrome. But never goes higher than that.

hemi ram55
03-25-2011, 08:29 PM
ok i adjusted all of my prices, you all are right. after looking at some shops online and such, i was way under. lets hope no one saw the original prices :xyxthumbs: I can not tell you why people in my area are so cheap with the detailing, and the prices i looked at were from actual detailing shops. Let the fun begin! any other suggestions?? I have been doing this for a couple years now, on the side, friends vehicles, family, etc... lets just hope all the hard work and learning has paid off.

03-25-2011, 08:44 PM
Nice site very clean cut. Like everyone said prices are low. Don't be afraid to price your services a little above the others, your customers will notice quality over prices eventually. We started cheap too, but now people call us to book because they are looking for quality not cheap prices. At first people will call and haggle prices ( I hate that) if you need to give at first to gain customers fine, but we don't go lower then our package prices, it weeds out the customers you really don't want.
Try also centering the pages, so they center on the browser.
Boxing up the services and prices makes it a little easier to distinguish them.

hemi ram55
03-26-2011, 10:09 AM
any other suggestions?

03-26-2011, 02:03 PM
I am with the others, your prices are very low. You do not want to make it look like you will do anything for business, or make it feel that you are not very good.

Also, I noticed in the FAQ that in some places the grammar is incorrect.

Ill give an example: "The solution to this problem is a swirl remover to remove the actually C scratches that are in the painted surfaces, Instead of a polish. (Most polishes are filling in glazes not swirl removers)"

As you can see, the word "actually" does not fit the sentence. I would proof read your paragraphs, or have somebody do it for you.

On the webpage itself, I would axe the counter at the bottom, it feels very "AOL homepage". Also, everything is aligned on the dead left of the page with the content ending in the center. I have a display that is 1920 x 1200, so that could be the issue, but I would try to optimize it for every person looking at the page so it sits in the center.