View Full Version : Getting the leather back to "matte"!!

03-19-2011, 06:47 AM
Ive searched all throught the forums and unless I missed something.......I cant find an answer. I've got an 07 gmc slt that used to have a really great looking matte leather interior. Over the past several yrs it just seems to have really developed a shine that I cant get rid of. Ive taken care of the leather since the truck was new and have used zymol, lexol, meguires and for the past yr Ive been using the pennicle 2 step. The leather is in good shape...it just has a shine to it! Its driving me crazy trying to get the leather back to matte!!! Is it even possible??? Thanks

03-19-2011, 07:04 AM
yes, the shine is actually a buildup on your leather. I'm assuming it's finished leather. Just clean the leather with opc or a good interior cleaner and it will be gone. Then to dress/protect it use UIGP for a finish that isn't glossy.

03-19-2011, 12:05 PM
Then to dress/protect it use UIGP for a finish that isn't glossy.

What's UIGP?

03-19-2011, 12:19 PM
Here you go. Used search feature at top of page:


03-20-2011, 05:19 AM
thanks CEE DOG........i'll give that a try and see what happens!

PAR Detailing
03-20-2011, 06:40 AM
Corey is spot on with all of that. He took the words right out of my mouth.

03-20-2011, 08:27 AM
Try Megs APC green with a Tampico brush... Agitate it and it will foam nicely and then wipe with a MF... When you apply the product of your choice it may require a second wipe to knock down the gloss

03-20-2011, 11:36 AM
hey guys, so its ok to use APC on leather??

03-21-2011, 03:42 AM
Leather does not require 'conditioning' with anything other than water.

Keep your leather clean by protecting it with a leather protector and then regular cleaning.
Adding 'conditioners' which generally contain oils and waxes will change the appearance of your leather over time as dirt will build up on the surface and cause a sheen.

Using the correct care methods and products will not alter the factory finish.

The type of leather you have is 'coated' leather. This is essentially a 'painted' leather
with a clear coat finish over the top. The leather may or may not be dyed through with
aniline dyes prior to the finish coating.

Essentially it is this top coating that needs looking after.
Cleaning is vitally important as the top coat will wear away if allowed to become dirty.
Dirt on the surface will also become ground into the finish by constant abrassion.

'Conditioners', balms, feeds etc (traditionally oil and wax based) cannot penetrate this
finish so are not worth applying - they can also leave behind residues on the finish which will only attract more dirt if allowed to remain. 'Conditioners' will not do any
protecting on leather even if they say they do as there will not be enough active
ingredient in them to do anything.

A protector will make the finish easier to clean and also inhibit dye transfer etc
on pale coloured leathers.

Leather however finished has to remain breathable and it will allow the movement of
moisture back and forth (transpiration) so the use of water based cleaners and
protectors will keep the leather correctly hydrated which is essentail to keeping it in
good condition.

The routine for correct care should be

Protect from new
Maintain with a regular clean or maintenance product
Deep clean with a foam cleaner once or twice a year

Simple steps of cleaning & protecting will prolong the life of the finish on the leather

Hope this helps

03-21-2011, 05:36 AM
I love Leatherique. I find that gives a beautiful showroom matte look to the leather.

03-21-2011, 10:30 PM
I had the exact same problem you have with your leather having a gloss look to it. I really liked the nice matte finish of my '07 Explorer when it was new, especially the steering wheel. A few hours ago, the steering wheel looked like it had a few coats of gloss clear applied to it and I didn't think it would ever have that new matte finish again. This afternoon, I received my AG shipment that contained a gallon of Optimum Power Clean. I mixed up a spray bottle diluted 3:1 and sprayed it on a MF cloth and went to work on the steering wheel. It now looks like it did 4 years ago when new.

I cleaned the drivers seat with the same results. It didn't leave any residue behind that needed to be rinsed off. I am a believer in OPC.


03-21-2011, 10:54 PM
Leather on american cars is poor in most cases. The little square of the seat that is actually leather will definitely change differently than the vinyl surrounding it. To test for leather, an easy but not for certain way is to press your finger into the surface lightly. Leather will evenly crinkle around the depression. Vinyl will stretch and not wrinkle, but smooth. Pressing too hard will make any material deform or stretch.

Although many like Leatherique and others, nothing compares to true leather products like Leather Masters and others for deep and safe cleaning. Of course for most leather OPC or regular cleaners will work just as good.

If the shine is still present after cleaning, try something like 1Z cockpit Premium. Although not intended for seats, it is the most matte product easily available on the market.

03-22-2011, 06:00 PM
I've used the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Works great on the steering wheel and the seats. Use it very lightly and test a hidden area first. It works like sand paper so be careful.

Leather steering wheel - Shiny or not? - Car Care Forums: Meguiar's Online (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45288)