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03-18-2011, 01:09 PM
ok so i sprayed some apc diluted 10:1 in the door and it stained the door and it wont come off. how do i get this off :(

03-18-2011, 01:11 PM
A little paint cleaner will do it. Won't harm paint. Breathe.....

03-18-2011, 01:12 PM
Try a paint cleaner asap. If that doesn't work try some M205

Edit: John- "Breathe" LOL

03-18-2011, 01:25 PM
Single stage paint? If so, this is common and will come off with polishing.

03-18-2011, 01:28 PM
sorry i wasnt more detailed, its the inside of the door the trim is stained, im working the rest of the interior but i think i sprayed it and left it there and its burning hot out here (south florida) its a black trim that is plastic and goes around the door handle inside the car. its like white now lol :/

Mike Phillips
03-18-2011, 02:00 PM
sorry i wasnt more detailed, its the inside of the door the trim is stained,

its a black trim that is plastic and goes around the door handle inside the car. its like white now lol

When black trim stains white... this is usually not a good sign...

Try wiping with a wet wash cloth saturated with water and some soap. You want to try to get the water to mix with the now-dried APC so that it can be removed out of and off of the plastic trim.

At this point, it's probably going to be hard to undo the damage.

But try using normal soap and water and then wiping dry.

After that treat with whatever dressing you normally use, this might not undo any damage but it might restore a darker and more uniform appearance.



03-18-2011, 03:18 PM
ok so today i did a interior that hasnt been cleaned since 2003. it has brown stains i have no idea what they are kind of looks like rust stains or maybe coca cola stains. this is my gf car but it was given to her by her parents which have 2 other kids. there is crayon markings all over the place the leather is very dirty. I used mg apc plus to clean the leather a bit and followed that with opti protectant with a brush and mf towel. They dont seem to get cleaner lol. i cant get those carpet stains out i tryed apc plus with a little oxy clean with a stiff brush then cleaned it out with water and wet vac'd it. yes some of the brown stuff came off but i think it permanently stained the carpet. also the leather has little red spots "possibly acrylic nail paint" and it wont come off. How would you guys go about this?? i will be posting pics up soon. oh yeah i forgot to add, i tried the ice trick on some gum but to no avail didnt want to come out.

Flash Gordon
03-18-2011, 03:45 PM
Sometimes theres just nothing else that can be done. Sounds like this may be one of those scenarios

The nail polish...try picking it with yoiur fingernail

What APC are you using? Simple Green?

03-18-2011, 04:01 PM
mg apc plus the orange one freaking stained trim l

Flash Gordon
03-18-2011, 04:05 PM
I've never used that stuff. Thx 4 the warning :laughing: Next time use Castrol Super Clean :props:

You also might wanna try laquer thinner on that nail polish

03-18-2011, 04:52 PM
castrol super clean what is that? and no problem for the warning we always need a guinea pig :) remember though, i was using it on a black plastic trim that was getting direct sunlight and it was really hot if you use apc plus dont let it drip, for some reason you can see the drip marks and its hard to get off!

03-18-2011, 05:35 PM
castrol super clean what is that? and no problem for the warning we always need a guinea pig :) remember though, i was using it on a black plastic trim that was getting direct sunlight and it was really hot if you use apc plus dont let it drip, for some reason you can see the drip marks and its hard to get off!

Another reason I try to ALWAYS work in the shade! Of course it's not always possible, but I do my best with a pop up canopy.

Flash Gordon
03-18-2011, 05:47 PM
castrol super clean what is that?

It comes in a purple jug. You can get it at most parts stores and Wal-Mart. Dilute 50/50 and your good to use on practically any surface

and no problem for the warning we always need a guinea pig :) remember though, i was using it on a black plastic trim that was getting direct sunlight and it was really hot if you use apc plus dont let it drip, for some reason you can see the drip marks and its hard to get off!

Sounds like that citrus based cleaner removed the dye. If the customer is super pissed remove the seal and redye. (or hit it with shoe dye for the quik-fix) :cool:

03-18-2011, 06:11 PM
here are the pictures i only did the passenger side and the trunk sorry i didnt make nice clean lines like most of you after the job is done :)

thats the brown stuff that wouldnt come off! the front chair has rust built up where the bolts go so im figuring thats what it is!
2 passes with MG APC plus and a bit of oxy clean
the rear door cleaned and opt protectant plus
front door cleaned and opt protectant plus
cleaned and opti protectant plus

Flash Gordon
03-18-2011, 06:18 PM
Looks much better then it did I'm sure :props: