View Full Version : Basic car washing question

03-18-2011, 10:34 AM
So...I've read a bunch of how-to articles, watched a bunch of videos, searched through the forum... but still am not happy with my wash technique. Couple of issues:

1. I find that my wash bucket starts emptying out very quickly, and my rinse bucket gets fuller and fuller.
2. I have problems filling the bucket as it overflows with foam/suds.
3. I'm not certain if I should just be saturating the sponge/mitt in the water of the wash bucket, or collecting foam from top of bucket... Also, do I wring it out at all first? Do I wring it out as I'm washing?...
4. During this winter, even after rinsing with hose on strongest setting, the bottom panels of my car still had a lot of caked on dirt. As soon as wash mitt hit those areas, I could really feel it dragging. Do I just keep going over that area gently over and over (putting mitt/sponge in rinse and then wash buckets each time)? Do I add a little pressure? etc...

My procedure in washing (after rinsing car with hose) is:

1. put 2 oz of optimum car wash in 5 gal bucket (w/grit guard)
2. use strong spray from hose to fill with 2 gallons water & generate bubbles/foam (this is where I have problems with foam overflowing from bucket)
2a. fill rinse bucket with 2 gallons water (w/ grit guard)
3. put sponge or mitt in the wash bucket, let it get saturated, not squeeze it out, then wipe across the car.
4. put wash media in rinse bucket, rub on grit guard, wring out (putting all the water in the rinse bucket)
5. Repeat 3 and 4...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you have a favorite how-to or forum post that I've missed, or a good video on YouTube that I can check out.


03-18-2011, 10:52 AM
As for the suds, don't use a high pressure spray into the bucket. Let the water come from the hose and not the nozzle. If you have a high amount of pressure of water going into the bucket, it will make a lot of suds.

James K
03-18-2011, 11:00 AM
Add your shampoo after the water. That way they get at least 4 gallons of water. Then either a quick blast with the high pressure to mix it up, or mix by hand.

03-18-2011, 11:39 AM
Thanks. I found the Optimum Car Wash to be VERY think, and I didn't think it would mix well w/o using the higher pressure. But I'll try the suggestions above.

03-18-2011, 11:49 AM
Others have answered your question about the fill up.

As for the bottom panels on the car. I will do these last, as I'm sure you already know. But prior to washing the bottom panels I usually spray an APC or an ONR dilution onto the area to try to break up some of the grime and debris that may still be there. Then I will go over it gently with my wash mitt, and rinsing it every pass. Especially on a heavily soiled car. I also like adding a little ONR for extra lube in my soap bucket. Or if your presoaking the areas in ONR you don't need to add it to your bucket.

Just some suggestions and what has worked for me. On a car that is really heavily soiled (after winter clean up comes to mind) I will use my foam cannon to give the car a good soaking prior to going at it with a mitt and 2 bucket method.

03-18-2011, 11:56 AM
Others have answered your question about the fill up.

As for the bottom panels on the car. I will do these last, as I'm sure you already know. But prior to washing the bottom panels I usually spray an APC or an ONR dilution onto the area to try to break up some of the grime and debris that may still be there. Then I will go over it gently with my wash mitt, and rinsing it every pass. Especially on a heavily soiled car. I also like adding a little ONR for extra lube in my soap bucket. Or if your presoaking the areas in ONR you don't need to add it to your bucket.

Just some suggestions and what has worked for me. On a car that is really heavily soiled (after winter clean up comes to mind) I will use my foam cannon to give the car a good soaking prior to going at it with a mitt and 2 bucket method.

Thanks! Yeah, I forgot to mention that I did add one ounce of ONR to the wash bucket. Pre-spraying though is a great idea and I'll definitely do that next time.

Did you have any thoughts as to whether I just soak my sponge/mitt in the wash bucket or if I should try to collect foam from the bucket (or most of that foam won't be there once I correct my fill method?)?

Thank you again!

James K
03-18-2011, 12:25 PM
The common train of thought is that the foam really doesn't do anything to help lubricate your vehicles paint. Don't bother with trying to scoop it up. Just lots of nice soapy water.

03-18-2011, 02:21 PM