View Full Version : A mans reaction vs a womans on a completed job

03-15-2011, 01:33 PM
You learn so much about people cleaning cars. I know everybody's got something that comes to mind. What I've noticed:

Only been makin money at this going on my 2nd year now but like you, biz is boomin right now. Funny how men react differently when you hand them their car back clean versus a woman.

A guy brought his car to me at work, it was trashed and i mean trashed. Took me 2 full 8 hour days to clean it but when I was done, looked awesome, I was so proud. When I brought it back to him, he gave it the look over and I pointed out all the things I corrected, scratches I removed and stuff I fixed like speaker wires not hid blah blah blah (little things I didnt have to do). He looked up with no smile, reached in his shirt pocket handed me the cash and said thank you. That was it.

Sunday, he rolled up with his wife in her car, I came outside and all she could talk about was how amazing his car now looked and what a great job I did.

ANOTHER thing, Men will try to haggle me down.......I've yet to have a woman haggle me, she's either yes or no.

Just funny how different we are.

Spicy McHaggis
03-15-2011, 02:01 PM
Guys like to think they could do it themselves but they pay you because they don't have the time. Women actually know they can't/won't do it propperly so they are more impressed. It all has to do with guys with big egos. Car guys are the worst. If a guy thinks he is a "car guy" he will never give your work the cedit it deserves. Plain and simple.

03-15-2011, 02:04 PM
Guys like to think they could do it themselves but they pay you because they don't have the time. Women actually know they can't/won't do it propperly so they are more impressed. It all has to do with guys with big egos. Car guys are the worst. If a guy thinks he is a "car guy" he will never give your work the cedit it deserves. Plain and simple.

I don't think this is always the case. Definitely a lot of the time. I've had a few car guys bring their cars to me and then be really impressed with the results and express it. But you are right about the majority of guys will just say wow looks good thanks! And then hand you some money.

I find that the car guys seem to stick around more and talk shop with you. At least IME.

Spicy McHaggis
03-15-2011, 02:12 PM
I don't think this is always the case. Definitely a lot of the time. I've had a few car guys bring their cars to me and then be really impressed with the results and express it. But you are right about the majority of guys will just say wow looks good thanks! And then hand you some money.

I find that the car guys seem to stick around more and talk shop with you. At least IME.
All car guys want to do is try to outsmart you, or prove that they know more than you. I was a Nissan Tech before I detailed cars, so I know a fair bit about vehicles, and it never fails that some douchebag that thinks his STI is hot stuff will come in spouting off incorrect information to try and make himself feel better. i don't even bother correcting them, I just say "cool" and move past it. I can't stand the ego of most car guys. I'm a car NUT, anything and everything related to cars I LOVE, but I am always trying to learn something. If someone does something that really WOWS me, I let them know, even if it makes me look a little inexperienced in that field. I have no problem admitting what I can do with cars, and what I can't. I dunno, guess thats just me.

I had a guy try to tell me step by step how to detail his car and I told him I'll rent him my buffer and he can do it since he knew so much. He shut up after that and let me do my thing. :nomore:

master detailer
03-15-2011, 02:27 PM
lol thats funny with me its guys care more about the out side and ladys care more about the inside. guys wheels ladys seats guys tires ladys windows..but its all good .just show me the money lol

03-15-2011, 02:31 PM
How did I know SeaJay was going to chime in..........THAT BOY IS ON IT !!:D

03-15-2011, 02:34 PM
Good thread phone guy

It's so true Spicy

03-15-2011, 02:55 PM
Yup. That's about it. Whenever I do my wife's car, doesn't matter if I only wash it, QD and tire black, she'll smile and say "IT'S BEAUTIFUL". Ya know, that makes it all worthwhile, so enjoy it.:dblthumb2:

03-15-2011, 03:53 PM
Yup. That's about it. Whenever I do my wife's car, doesn't matter if I only wash it, QD and tire black, she'll smile and say "IT'S BEAUTIFUL". Ya know, that makes it all worthwhile, so enjoy it.:dblthumb2:

I agree wholeheartedly......I love it, although it may be a "quickie", when she greets me with a big ol' kiss like this.....

C. Charles Hahn
03-15-2011, 05:10 PM
ANOTHER thing, Men will try to haggle me down.......I've yet to have a woman haggle me, she's either yes or no.

I only had a woman try to haggle me once, and I let her get away with it because she was a referral -- the mother of my best long-time regular customer. After I got done with her car and she came to pick it up, she told me she felt really bad about haggling me and ended up paying my original quoted price.

Turns out she'd had a guy detail it previously and he did a hack job on it, so she assumed I'd be the same way and she didn't want to pay too much for a low level of service.


PAR Detailing
03-15-2011, 05:23 PM
In my experience guys arent as dramatic with their reactions but they tip. I have yet to have a woman tip me a dime. I tell them my price and they write the check to the penny. I have gootten all my tips from men.

I can live with the small reaction for more money :laughing:

03-15-2011, 05:45 PM
My experience has been the opposite, my tips have come from women 100% of the time. Once I did some major work on a dark blue flake Land Rover. It had all the off road grills and brush protectors on it which made it a real booger to work on......it had never been off the pavement by the way. Anyway they wanted it pristine in order to sell it and I dealt with the husband. Upon completion she brought him over in their Jag. She looked it over while he was on the phone and nodded in an appreciative manner saying nothing. He got off the phone and she flat told him "We're not going to sell it!" He sputtered and stammered and she said, "We're NOT going to sell it!". He paid me but she took $25 out of her purse and handed it to me. She said "It is absolutely gorgeous, thank you". She got in the Rover, he sheepishly got in the Jag and off they went. I'll never forget that.

Indy YZF
03-15-2011, 06:07 PM
I've gotten tipped a lot (be it beer, a couple bucks, whatever) probably because I do most jobs cheap as it's a hobby for me and gets my mind off of my daytime job. Most people have no clue how good their car can look with a few (well usually 8-12) hours of intense cleaning. Had the neighbor even not sell their car since they thought it looked so good when done (now I have a repeat customer). Both guys and gals seem to be just as pleased so far, but I don't do as many cars as you professionals and most are referrals from friends, so I don't get any idiot's either :xyxthumbs: