View Full Version : SSR2.5 trails...

12-27-2006, 10:07 AM
So yesterday I redid the cab of my truck. I clayed, did some SSR2.5 on orange and finished with SSR1 on white. But for some reason, it didn't seem like the white pad took out all the orange trails. It did on the rest of the truck. And when I put on my sealant, just looking at it in the sun now, you can see the MF trails as well.

What am I doing wrong here???

12-27-2006, 04:36 PM
If I still have "trails" from using the orange pad and the white pad isn't "fixing" it all the way, should I go over it with another time with the white pad or finish it off with the gray pad?

12-27-2006, 04:49 PM
If you really worked SSR2.5 in on an orange cutting pad, then SSR1 "should" take care of minor left over marring from the polish. What pad system do you have as different manufacturers have different color coding. I.E. Edge white pad is for applying waxes but can be used for finsihing polish etc, but their blue pad has a tad more bite meant for polishing/final polishing. Try stepping up to the next pad above your white with SSR1.

What do you mean by MF trails? Microfiber Trails? If your micros are leaving trails then something is stuck in the fibers or your rubbing really hard. I know if you wax, and press to hard witha micro it can leave lines and marks that are actually in the wax but will apear that your paint is swirled.

01-08-2007, 04:38 PM
I just thought today that I went over the area rather "quickly" and perhaps did too big of an area at once. I'm going to attempt the doors again on Tuesday and let you all know if that took care of it.

01-08-2007, 04:43 PM
I just thought today that I went over the area rather "quickly" and perhaps did too big of an area at once. I'm going to attempt the doors again on Tuesday and let you all know if that took care of it.

Try working a bit slower, and add some more pressure to the head of the PC. Sounds like you're almost there! :awesome:

Good luck...

-Nick :cheers:

01-08-2007, 07:37 PM

01-09-2007, 10:56 PM
Alright, just finished two of the four doors... with great results! I took the white pad, misted it down with some QD and added quite a bit less SSR1 to the pad than I normally do.

I spread on 3, the increased the speed to 5. Started with some pressure, finished on just the weight of the PC. Came out looking GORGEOUS! I really took my time, didn't rush a thing and the results spoke for themselves! Thanks again for everyone's help.