View Full Version : polished billet care?

03-11-2011, 06:52 AM
i got a third brake cover yesterday for my canyon. polished billet. what, if anything would you use on it before i install it? i think i have a can of eagle one billet polish.

03-11-2011, 07:12 AM
If it isn't shiny, then polish it. If it is, just wait until it needs it.

The best product I have ever used on Billet is Mother's Billet Polish (http://www.autogeek.net/motbilmetpol.html).


03-11-2011, 07:18 AM
If it isn't shiny, then polish it. If it is, just wait until it needs it.

The best product I have ever used on Billet is Mother's Billet Polish (http://www.autogeek.net/motbilmetpol.html).


thanks DLB. new, so it looks better than chrome. i'll just hit it with some QD and install it.

03-11-2011, 09:26 AM
thanks DLB. new, so it looks better than chrome. i'll just hit it with some QD and install it.
Sounds like a plan. Use a good microfiber - it will scratch easily.
With it being out in the weather, it will oxidize pretty quickly, but still look ok.
Short of Zoops or a clear powdercoat (what I would probably go with), you are going to have to polish it back out every so often. You will most likely get some scratches in it from regular washing, but they will buff right out with the polish.

Polished billet aluminum looks really nice, but it is a booger to maintain.


03-11-2011, 10:00 AM
Wenol is the dope on billet.

03-11-2011, 10:43 AM
well, install was 30 sec. quality built piece no doubt. looks good. pic of product:
Stylintrucks (http://www.stylintrucks.com/miscellaneous/index/page/pfamilypopup.phtml?img=http://images.stylintrucks.com/product_images/350x350/all_sales/GMC3rdBrakeLightCover_2927.jpg?&t=R01DIEJpbGxldCBBbHVtaW51bSAzcmQgQnJha2UgTGlnaHQg Q292ZXI=&n=QUxMIFNBTEVTIFRISVJEIEJSQUtFIExJR0hUIENPVkVSLCBB TFVNSU5VTSwgUE9MSVNIRUQgLS0gR01DIGN1dC1vdXQgZGVzaW duOyBNYWNoaW5lZCBmcm9tIHNvbGlkIDYwNjEtVDYgYWlyY3Jh ZnQtZ3JhZGUgYWx1bWludW07IEVuaGFuY2VzIHN0b2NrIGFwcG VhcmFuY2UgYW5kIGFkZHMgdmFsdWUgdG8gdmVoaWNsZTsgTm8g bW9kaWZpY2F0aW9uIG9yIGRyaWxsaW5nIHJlcXVpcmVkOyBFYX N5IGluc3RhbGxhdGlvbiBvdmVyIGV4aXN0aW5nIHRoaXJkIGJy YWtlIGxpZ2h0IHVzaW5nIG9yaWdpbmFsIGhvbGVzOyBXaXRoID kwLWRheSBBbGwgU2FsZXMgbGltaXRlZCB3YXJyYW50eS4=)

03-11-2011, 10:57 AM
Polish it then protect it with something like Opti-seal, Ultima Paint Guard Plus, or Ultima Tire & Trim Guard.