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12-27-2006, 12:36 AM
i just need a place to vent. ill explain the issue first.
so 4 and a half years ago i started dating this girl irene. we never really faught, never broke up once, and due to her religious beliefs we never went "all the way". tongiht we, well more her than I, decided to end it. ended on a good note if there could be one, but ended none the less. its very hard to hold out for someone you love that long and then to just have it all for nothing...this is more or less a divorce... 4.5 years, done.
ok, i feel a tad better

12-27-2006, 12:50 AM
it was for the best. i have met girls who had "found jesus" and it always turned out bad some way or another in the end.

cheer up man. if she feels so strongly about her religous beliefs, and to the point where it is over her own family, good ridence if you ask me.

12-27-2006, 01:14 AM
no one can blame you, kelso. what kind of mess is that?
down the road, i hope you will see she did you a favor.
we are not all like that. hang in there!!!

12-27-2006, 01:28 AM
happend to me too the girl was all religious but then i found it she didnt break up with me because of her beliefes even though she was the agressive one in the relationship, but because she "cheated on me" (kissed another guy) n then she went out with him.

Like my dad told me thers more fish in the water, and trust me the gf I have now I have been going out for 3years now and she is prolly the best thing that ever happend to me, so hang in there man u will find another fish

12-27-2006, 01:59 AM
I know how you feel. I had been seeing this guy for 9 months. I honslty think we were a match made in heaven.
One day he comes to me and tells me he has found the lord, and that it was against his new beliefs. he had become a devote mormon, become "straight" and is now living a lie..

moral of the story at first i was sad, but once i had some time to calm down and think it through i was happy, im glad i knew sooner then later that it wasnt going to work.
Im sure you will bounce back and life will be great soon enough

12-27-2006, 02:27 AM
I'm 24 and have 4 ex-gf's who are married and 2 that have kids, one who I dated all through high school. Either I don't get a long with girls, or Surfer is to wild and won't settle down?!?!:D. Though I'm at the point now where I want something stead, though I'm picky, gotta be hot, gotta be a surfer chick, and she has to love auto/boat racing....unfortunetley I live in fake plastic ville LOL.

Just be glad you didn't propose or anything, imagine what might have happened, actual divorace etc. I'll be honest I still think about the girl who I dated throughout highschool b/c I was your regular immature boy and did stupid stuff (com'on you know how it was in hs lol). I actually called her about a year or two ago and flat out said look I know it's funny hearing from me after all these years but I wanted to say I was sorry for what happened with us (we were best friends as well) and for putting her through stupid crap blah blah, I just had to get it off my chest and felt much better after, it was just eating at me.

Kelso is gonna be a horndog on the loose now :D

12-27-2006, 02:39 AM
The end of a relationship is always one of lifes tough deals. Best to you.

12-27-2006, 03:07 AM
Like adde dad said: "theirs more fish in the water" This is so very true.http://fordtruckworld.tenmagazines.com/forums/images/thumb.gif (javascript:emoticon(':thumb');)

12-27-2006, 04:48 AM
i just need a place to vent. ill explain the issue first.
so 4 and a half years ago i started dating this girl irene. we never really faught, never broke up once, and due to her religious beliefs we never went "all the way". tongiht we, well more her than I, decided to end it. ended on a good note if there could be one, but ended none the less. its very hard to hold out for someone you love that long and then to just have it all for nothing...this is more or less a divorce... 4.5 years, done.
ok, i feel a tad better
Why didn't you marry her? ;)

12-27-2006, 06:24 AM
Yes, more fish kelso. Just stay away from the deepest waters, there are just u-g-l-y once that lives there.

Reminds me of a girl i once dated, she smeld like fish........Witch movie?

Gary Sword
12-27-2006, 07:15 AM
Breaking up a long turn relationship is always hard. A little time will heal it and you will get over it. If a relationship is not going to work it's a lot better to break up before you get married. Things always happen for a reason.

12-27-2006, 07:24 AM
Kelso, I know it will not be easy, but this is a fork in the road which will lead you to defining yourself. Everything we do, every choice left undone, builds our character and events our life.

The hardest part for more grown men is to move from a state of "lust" to a state of "love". You will find this also .... you once could not get enough of a person, every small kiss, nibble, and word was intoxicating. You then seem to lose that challenge for a truly rewarding experience where your only as happy as the person is next to you. You would truly give your life for them, and you give more than you take.

Why do I tell you this ?? Well theres a little button somewhere inside the man that really misses and wants "lust" ... to conquer again. Brother, you are at these steps and love will come again, so try and look to the best its those first moments, those imprompt headbumps while trying the 1st kiss that are very valuable to defining yourself also. And hey, if you get a hotty, send pics, us old men need the excitement !!

12-27-2006, 08:16 AM
Got home, look at this post and said its not "theirs more fish in the water" it's "theirs more fish in the sea". Hope every thing works out for you. One day you will find the right one.

12-27-2006, 03:44 PM
yea yea it was late and i was tired but felt bad for the guy and though id try to help him out before going to bed

12-27-2006, 04:35 PM
Sounds like you made a good decision. I don't think I would have lasted more than a few week without "going all the way", let alone 4.5 years! I commend you for doing so...

Good luck in the search for a new missus. And don't forget: when you're looking, you'll never find one. But the minute you don't, that's when they start coming out of the woodworks. I met my now wife at my 23rd birthday party, she showed up unannounced because she heard from one of her friends that "some hot Swedish guy" was having a party. We were married about 10 months later. Been together now for 2.5 years. Best thing that ever happened to me.