View Full Version : 845 was that obvious

03-09-2011, 09:42 AM
went this morning for my local state inspection at my dealer. pulled in the service area and the service manager came out. "you really should clean that thing more often" "LOL" "what did you use on the paint? that is just crazy"

it was good to know that C 845 is that noticeable. :xyxthumbs: started freezing rain on the way home. calling for some cruddy weather the rest of the week.

03-09-2011, 09:58 AM
This is why I'm such a proponent of Collinite 845. :props:

After I polished and sealed the paint on my truck with Menzerna Power-Lock it looked great, it really did. But once I applied a single coat of Collinite 845 the finish actually looked wet, it was that noticeable! :dblthumb2:

03-09-2011, 09:59 AM
Yeah, 845 is pretty good!

03-09-2011, 11:10 AM
This is why I'm such a proponent of Collinite 845. :props:

After I polished and sealed the paint on my truck with Menzerna Power-Lock it looked great, it really did. But once I applied a single coat of Collinite 845 the finish actually looked wet, it was that noticeable! :dblthumb2:

Am thinking of doing 845 over MPL as well. Can you let me know your process (i.e. what did you use to apply/remove the 845 and MPL, and what cure time you used for the MPL?


03-10-2011, 07:14 AM
just wanted to add we have had a steady rain here yesterday, and calling for it all day today. looking at the vehicle is entertaining to say the least. beading is insane. and watching the water run off the vertical panels is crazy. :props:

03-10-2011, 07:42 AM
Am thinking of doing 845 over MPL as well. Can you let me know your process (i.e. what did you use to apply/remove the 845 and MPL, and what cure time you used for the MPL?Thanks!


I did a full correction detail on my truck last fall. Keep in mind that I keep the finish on my truck pristine thus the very reason detailing takes half the time.

I gave it a thorough wash with Duragloss 901. Once complete the next step was a quick clay. I usually do this twice annually and even though there was very little debris embedded in the finish it never hurts to give it a once over.

I drive my truck daily so I'm not looking for a perfect swirl free finish. I'm a realist and expecting to achieve a show car finish on a daily driver just isn't realistic.

Polishing was a one-step process accomplished using Menzerna PO106FA with a Lake Country White then a Gray CCS pad.

Once the polishing phase was complete I cleaned the paint with Isopropyl Alcohol mix just to be sure there were no oils or contaminates left on the surface and this also allowed me to inspect my work.


I applied Menzerna Power-Lock Sealant with my Porter Cable 7424 using a Lake Country CCS Blue pad. I used the blue because it was there but any non cutting pad will work fine.

Applying sealants with this setup allows me to really control the amount of product I lay down and also work it into the paint. Once the product had dried I buffed it off using clean Microfiber towels to buff it to a brilliant finish.

With any sealant, I'll let it sit in the garage overnight to ensure it cures properly. It's important not to let the sealant to become wet until after it cures.


Waxing was a breeze and is done in the same fashion as applying any sealant. I apply Collinite 845 with my Porter Cable 7424 using a Lake Country CCS Red pad. Place a few dime sized dots of wax on the pad, set the speed to 3, and begin working the wax in.

It's important to remember that most products need to be applied THIN and Collinite 845 is no exception. In my opinion you almost can't apply this product too thin. Buff the haze to an exceptional gloss and enjoy..

03-10-2011, 08:16 AM