View Full Version : 2010 Mitsubishi Outlander

03-04-2011, 11:17 PM
So guys I just picked up a Outlander on my brief break at home between tours (I haven't posted cause I haven't been home for more than 5 days at a time for a year and a half now). Anyways, with this new purchase she's gonna need some polishing, but I'm not really sure how hard the paint is, and thought I'd ask some here. It's gonna be a bit before I get a chance to polish it. I did remove the nasty glaze the dealership put on it, and it has the typical RIDS and swirls. Again though it's gonna take a while I've got 9 more weeks of tour, then the day I get home I go in for back surgery, and will be laid up for 3 weeks. So probably gonna be June before I can do this, unless I can get my old man to help out.