View Full Version : temporarily lifting clear bra?

02-25-2011, 11:50 AM
So there is a chip on the edge of a panel just above the driver side headlight that it looks like the previous owner just clearbra'd over.

Can I temporarily lift the bra by heating with a hair dryer, apply some Dr. Colour Chip then put the bra back down or is that it once the clearbra adhesive releases? Luckily, the chip (~3mm square) is very close to the edge so the bra would only have to come up about 1 cm along a 5 cm length. It would still look bad though if it wouldn't stay down afterwards...

can't really see the clear bra but it's there...



02-25-2011, 03:46 PM
nada? How about the late afternoon crowd?

Are most bra's peel and stick or if I try to lift it will I most likely only get the plastic while the adhesive stays on the car?

02-25-2011, 04:07 PM
No you can't. I've installed a few of these...and removed even more. When you're installing these, you have to use a baby shampoo and water mixture so you can glide it into place...then squeegee it down. Another reason you have to lubricate like that...is because it is meant to stay where you squeegee.

During installation, you can lift it back up quickly for a quick correction and squeegee again. But, in your case...it's already cured, and meant to stay. If you pull it up, the adhesive is compromised and will have to be completely removed cause it won't stick again. You could order just the piece you need to take off...repair the chip, and re install the bra. That's really your only option IMO.

After looking at your picture...a lot of times the clear bra doesn't cover all the way to the edge, like where your chip is. That chip could have happened with the bra on. Just hit the very edge. Is the bra really over that chip?

Also, whether or not your bra will peel up without leaving adhesive behind...really depends on how long it's been on there. Old clear bras tend to leave quite a mess if they've been in real hot weather.

02-25-2011, 05:29 PM
It also depends on whos film was used. Weather it was 3M or XPEL. As the other person said, if you lift it, it will never look right. If you were to use a heat gun, say good by to the film. XPEL film is so much easier to deal with except for what you are wishing to do.

02-25-2011, 06:46 PM
It also depends on whos film was used. Weather it was 3M or XPEL. As the other person said, if you lift it, it will never look right. If you were to use a heat gun, say good by to the film. XPEL film is so much easier to deal with except for what you are wishing to do.


02-25-2011, 07:19 PM
that's what I was afraid of
just checked it and the chip is under the bra. Not only that but the bra wraps under the edge of the panel as well

guess I'll just have to live with it. Stupid soft paint...

Thanks guys

02-25-2011, 09:15 PM
I put XPEL clear bra on my Mazda after I've had it over a year. Yes. My Mazda had rock chips all over it. I will be taking the front bumper cover off of it soon and having my friends body shop repaint it. I'm getting into the Dr. Color Chip and will be getting the set-up in the near future. I've touched up all the chips all over the car except for the clear bra on the hood of my car. Also in the near future, I'm going to cover the hood, roof and hatchback door in XPEL Carbon Film. Having the Carbon Film on the vehicle, it will never get rock chips!! Im the MAN I'm only going to keep my Mazda till years end when I will kick my dad out of his office and order myself a new '12 Ford Focus ST. :hotrod2: Clear Bra all the way on that lil car!!

02-25-2011, 10:19 PM
guess I'll just have to live with it. Stupid soft paint...


Lexus paint is ridiculously soft! But just be glad you have the clear bra there in the first place coz otherwise the chips would be far far worse (ask me how I know:bash:)