View Full Version : Need some outside advice!!!

12-24-2006, 01:26 PM
We're going home for Christmas/New Years next week Thursday (to Belgium) and I'm leaving my truck at my in-laws during that time. My truck always stays inside, but I'll have to leave it outside now.

My mother-in-law already offered to clean the bird poopies off my truck if one would happen to occur, but since it made me rather nervous I politely declined.

Would adding an extra few layers of sealant help my cause? I'm just worried about a poopie dropping on my paint and staying on there for 11 days. If I have a few solid layers of sealant on the paint, will I be OK?

Any other advice?

12-24-2006, 01:28 PM
I would use a wax. Throw a coat or 2 of wax on. The reason i say wax is becasue it holds up better against the acid of bird bombs. It has somthing tio do with the oils in the wax. Sealents last longer against the elements but wax is better for bird bombs, trust me. My car is outside year round. almost everyday in the summer i wake up and clean the bombs (i know im lucky).
But ya, i would recomend a wax over a sealent.

Im assumiong you have a wax, if not go pick up somthing cheap. Im sure you will just remove it when you come back. remeber this time its for protection and not looks (i cant belive i just said that, i think im sick)

12-24-2006, 01:48 PM
I have a few layers of sealant on the truck right now. I think I might just do the roof, fenders and the hood with some Natty's Blue, I have a full tub sitting around that I've never used.

Thanks for the advice!

12-24-2006, 01:50 PM
In regards to applying the wax, this will actually be my first time doing it. I'm like a wax virgin!!! Anyways, I have the cobra applicators. Do I just dampen them a little bit with water and then rub the applicator in the tub of Natty's Blue?

How long do I have to wait to remove it?

12-24-2006, 02:17 PM
In regards to applying the wax, this will actually be my first time doing it. I'm like a wax virgin!!! Anyways, I have the cobra applicators. Do I just dampen them a little bit with water and then rub the applicator in the tub of Natty's Blue?

How long do I have to wait to remove it?

i would just take the applicator, rub it in the tub untill you can see product on the pad (since its blue). I would then apply to the whole car (adding more wax as you go). Then let it sit for 15 (or whatever it says on the jar). It will haze over, similar to a sealent. Then you just remove with a mf cloth. Just wipe it off. its not hard I promise. I think you will be pleently suprised at the glow you get from the nuba. I know its just a temp thing but i know im hooked. Its a ncie look.
Nattys blue should last long enough for the trip, it will help protect against the acid. with a sealent you will still find that bomb etches into your paint, but the oilsin the wax almost suspend the droppings.

12-24-2006, 04:35 PM
Perfect, thanks for the advice! And you're right, it's just temporary to prevent from my paint etching the poopies. I'll re-do the whole truck once it starts warming up again here in Texas.

12-24-2006, 05:06 PM
P1et, Go with the Natty's Blue. It is great stuff. Very easy on and off. Just dampend the pad and apply a thin coat. I do the whole car then wife off with a Cobra MF. I'm betting you are going to like the look after you apply the NB!

Can you bring us back some Belgium beer?

12-27-2006, 12:23 AM
Reddwarf, thanks for the input! I actually just got back online after spending about 4 hours with the truck. I re-did the cab of the truck as I wasn't pleased with it. But for some reason, it didn't come out looking as good as I had hoped. I did layer the hood and fenders with Natty's Blue.


It was the first time for me to use it and it's SO easy on and SO easy off. I thought Zaino was easy on and easy off but this just beats it out of the water. I layered nice and thing, let it sit for about 30 minutes and them wiped off. It's soooooooooo soft, I love it!!!

12-27-2006, 12:24 AM
Oh, and in regards to the Belgian beer, I buy all mine at Central Market! Those guys sell EVERYTHING!!!

12-27-2006, 05:11 AM
Yep, top it off with some carnauba wax. If have Meguiar's #16, Collinite 476S, or 845, that's what I would use. These waxes are very durable and are just as durable as average sealant. As you already know, carnauba waxes are more resistant to bird bombs.
I would at least do the roof, and the hood, maybe even the whole truck.
I personally prefer Wipe On, Wipe Off application for paste waxes. They are easier to remove this way.