View Full Version : 5.5" vs. 6.5" pads and polishing time(Flex 3401)?

02-20-2011, 08:12 PM
Do you think 6.5" pads will save a significant amount of time(due to coverage area) polishing a whole car compared to 5.5" pads with the Flex 3401? Also, will 5.5" pads offer better correction than 6.5" pads because they're smaller? Or, it won't matter due to the fact that backing plate never stops rotating?

02-20-2011, 08:19 PM
Also, will 5.5" pads offer better correction than 6.5" pads because they're smaller? Or, it won't matter due to the fact that backing plate never stops rotating?

You stated it right there. The reason people like smaller pads with a DA (PCXP, Griot's, G110v2) is it is easier to keep the pad rotating and rotating faster, allowing the polishes to be worked more thoroughly against the finish.

On a 3401, with a smaller pad you are actually doing less polishing work because the outer edge of the pad is not spinning as fast as it would on a larger pad. More area with a section that spins faster = faster correcting.

Why get a smaller backing plate and pads for the Flex?
1. Working on smaller panels/curves.
2. You can buy the smaller pads for a PC and use them in the Flex!

As far as time saved, it would seem like it would save time if I could fit the Flex in smaller panels and not have to change machines. Otherwise, if you are working on a large expanse of paint then I would stick with the 6.5" pads.