View Full Version : check my math!

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02-15-2011, 07:27 PM
ok, all of the dilutions i mix for everything, OPC (at a several strengths), OID, Megs glass, etc got me confused the other day and i ended up making Megs at 4:1 with distilled water. why, i have no real idea because i've made it at 10:1 many many times.

anyway, so i like to premix gallons of it and keep them in milk containers. i made the last gallon at 4:1.

so to correct that to 10:1, i'd basically measure the 4:1 quantity i have (it's not a gallon, it's almost a gallon, hence having to measure), divide that by 5, then take that amount and add that much distilled water to the original 4:1 quantity, right?!!!

i know this sounds ridiculous, but it's so simple i am second guessing myself...

for those who prefer: qty/5=x, then x*4+qty=10:1, right?


02-15-2011, 07:58 PM
ok, all of the dilutions i mix for everything, OPC (at a several strengths), OID, Megs glass, etc got me confused the other day and i ended up making Megs at 4:1 with distilled water. why, i have no real idea because i've made it at 10:1 many many times.

anyway, so i like to premix gallons of it and keep them in milk containers. i made the last gallon at 4:1.

so to correct that to 10:1, i'd basically measure the 4:1 quantity i have (it's not a gallon, it's almost a gallon, hence having to measure), divide that by 5, then take that amount and add that much distilled water to the original 4:1 quantity, right?!!!

i know this sounds ridiculous, but it's so simple i am second guessing myself...

for those who prefer: qty/5=x, then x*4+qty=10:1, right?


I don't think you are correct. Let's say you actually have a gallon for ease of conversation.
Dividing by 5 tells you the amount of Megs. To get to 10:1 you have to add that to 10 times that in H2O. Dividing 1 gallon(128 oz) by 5 = 25.6 oz of Megs. Times 10 =256 oz(2 gallons) of H2O mixed with 25.6 oz Megs. Since you already have 128 oz minus 25.6 oz = 102.4 oz of H2O you need to add 256-102.4=153.6 oz of water for a total of 128 oz(1 gal) + 153.6= 281.6 oz of 10:1 solution. Your formula only yielded 230.4 oz of solution.

So if I put this into your format qty/5=x, then x*6+qty=10:1 yielding 281.6 oz of solution

I think this correct

02-15-2011, 11:22 PM
thanks! yep! i was in a rush to go food shopping and i was telling my wife i needed to do the math real quick before we leave to figure out how much distilled water we needed to buy to dilute what i had. i posted that and realized it was wrong when i actually went to mix. glad i was only mixing window cleaner and nothing that matters, lol.

i needed to change the 4 in that equation to a 6.

1 gallon of 4:1 will yield 102.4 oz of water and 25.6 oz of megs

graphic represenation:

25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 is what i had (4:1)

25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 is what i need (10:1)

25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 + 25.6 is what my math would have yielded (8:1)

it became apparent to me when i started. i was doing it by cups. i'd fill the 4:1 solution to the 5 cups line in a 2L container, and then add 6 cups of water, basically topping off the container (5 cups) then adding an add'l cup into my storage jug.


thanks again ; )

02-15-2011, 11:34 PM
You might find this handy (it was actually from Meguiar's Online) - I printed it out for future use.

A little explanation... Across the top of the chart is how much product you want to mix up. Along the left is the different dilutions. Where they meet is the amount of product to use. So if you wanted to make a 16 oz bottle of Hyper Dressing at 1:3, you would put 4 oz of Hyper Dressing in the bottle then fill the rest with water. I did round everything, I figure it's pretty hard to measure anything smaller than a 1/10 of an oz.


Here's a link to some of the Detailer Line (http://archive.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2131) products with suggested dilutions.

Dr Oldz
02-16-2011, 01:09 AM
Without explaining the math here to make a 10:1 solution add 1.2 gallons of distilled water to the gallon you have making 2.2 gallons total! I would just get another gallon and split the soultion up half in each gallon and then fill the two containers with water and you will be very close to a 10:1.

02-16-2011, 01:14 AM
I'm bowing out of this one, hahahaha.:bolt:

02-16-2011, 01:19 AM
Aren't you guys are presuming he got the 4:1 dilution correct?

Seriously, 1:1, 4:1, 10:1, how hard can it be?:xyxthumbs:

02-16-2011, 01:29 AM
Aren't you guys are presuming he got the 4:1 dilution correct?

Seriously, 1:1, 4:1, 10:1, how hard can it be?:xyxthumbs:

lulz, yeah yeah :props:

i did get the initial diltution correct @ 4:1 - i never mess it up when i'm actually doing it, but when quickly transcribing the formula i screwed that up...but again, when i actually went to do it, i automatically corrected things because i was doing it visually. pretty simple that way, akin to the colored text stuff i did in the earlier post. if you had 4:1, and fill it up to a 5 cup line, then you have 6 more cups to go to make it 10:1

: )

02-16-2011, 07:56 AM
Without explaining the math here to make a 10:1 solution add 1.2 gallons of distilled water to the gallon you have making 2.2 gallons total! I would just get another gallon and split the soultion up half in each gallon and then fill the two containers with water and you will be very close to a 10:1.

Close but no cigar 9:1

02-16-2011, 08:28 AM
Seriously, 1:1, 4:1, 10:1, how hard can it be?:xyxthumbs:

Hey, never mind injecting common sense here! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

02-16-2011, 10:02 AM
Hey, never mind injecting common sense here! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:nomore: :laughing: Yeah, no more common sense when it comes to AG Forum.

02-16-2011, 10:53 AM
The following info really helps me out whenever I find myself in your particular situation:

Where e = the proper solution(emulsion)/mixture

e=1+x+x*x/2! + x*x*x/3! + x*x*x*x/4! + x*n!

Where n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*.....*3*2*1.

Hope this helps.
:laughing::laughing::laughing: j/k

02-16-2011, 11:44 AM
The following info really helps me out whenever I find myself in your particular situation:

Where e= the proper solution(emulsion)/mixture

e=1+x+x*x/2! + x*x*x/3! + x*x*x*x/4! + x*n!

Where n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*.....*3*2*1.

Hope this helps.
:laughing::laughing::laughing: j/k

wait a sec...let me put this on the board...


Dr Oldz
02-16-2011, 12:57 PM
Close but no cigar 9:1

Did u read my whole reply????

02-16-2011, 09:44 PM
Can you make this where a Eastern KY boy can understand it please??