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02-15-2011, 01:48 PM
I know I don't post here very much, but with the events of this morning I just really need to vent, and try to calm down. :rant:

Backstory: I have an 07 Cadillac CTS-V which I am absolutely meticulous and downright anal about keeping clean, which no doubt many of you are as well. (Part of the reason behind posting here being that I know you guys will feel my pain more so than others) The car is black, which obviously makes this a hugely daunting, ongoing task. Granted the finish of the car isn't perfect (there are a hand full of beauty marks, small chips, and a few RIDS scattered about the vehicle) I take great pain in making sure that it doesn't get worse. I completed a fairly comprehensive paint correction this past fall in October which basically consisted of a wash, clay, Menzerna P091E, Menz P085RD, Klasse AIO, glaze and I've been topping it with pinnacle souveran here and there since then. The car stays garaged and I typically only drive the car on weekends and for maybe a day or two during the week. Being that I live in Arizona, I don't have to contend with weather much. After a couple of days, the car accumulates a very fine layer of dust, which most of the time, I can clean easily enough with some MF towels and detailing spray.

Today: 7:30 am my pest control guy shows up to do his bi-montly spray down of my house and property to keep the bugs at bay. I open the garage and let him go where he needs to go, which is essentially everywhere, while I go about my morning routine.
I walk out to the garage as he gets close to finishing up and happen to notice a spot where that fine layer of dust on my car is disturbed. I don't think much of it and thus don't give it a second look as I probably just lightly bumped into it last night when I was moving some things around in the garage. My bug guy walks around front to the garage and says "I got a few drops and some mist on your car when I sprayed around in the garage, but don't worry, I wiped it off for you."

Instant blood pressure spike........... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I manage to utter some sort of acknowledgment response as he walks back into the house and I hesitantly take a closer look at the car now that some sun is shining into the garage at a low angle. The entire rear passenger quarter panel is covered with a large oval pattern of super fine swirl marks, and a very long stream of silent obscenities leaves my mouth. I start looking some more. The top of the trunk lid is covered with the same thing. No doubt, from the sleeve of the ratty nylon windbreaker he has on.

I go back into the house and try to calm down while he finishes up and a few minutes later he's done and gone.

I return to the garage and decide to back the car out into the sun to get a better look. As if I needed any more punishment. There are areas of the same type of fine oval patterned swirls at various spots on the drivers side front fender, driver door, and passenger door.. Kill. Me. Now.........

I'm fairly confident that a quick pass with the PO85RD will get rid of the marks, but DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY does this sort of thing have to happen??!?!

Looks like my previously free weekend just got booked up....

Should I just go over the whole car with the 085RD, or just focus on the panels that need it? Overall the paint is really still very clean; think I should bother claying those panels again first? Regardless of anything else, the car was due for another application of sealant.

Needless to say, when he shows again in 6 weeks he's going to receive a fairly stern rendition of "No matter what happens, DON'T TOUCH THE F%*($%ING CAR!!!!!" I'm hesitant to even let him in the garage again...

Anyway.. Just thought I'd share.. I've never been so frustrated...

Bobby B.
02-15-2011, 02:05 PM
Wow! The Pest Control guy probably thought he was doing a good thing by telling you he got some overspray on the car and wiped it off. Your average person wouldn't care and probably would have thanked him for doing that but being how anal us autogeeks can be about our cars and the paint finish I feel your pain. I would recommend investing in a Noah Car Cover to protect your paint finish. I would recommend applying the PO85RD to the entire vehicle again and re seal the paint. Good luck

Crazy Amos
02-15-2011, 02:12 PM
I feel your pain buddy.
Last week, right after a snow storm my wife and I go to my in laws house to have supper. After eating my father in law went outside to smoke like usual and after he came him he asked me what happened to my car because it looked like there was a dent in the driver door. Bewildered i went out to see what it was as he followed.

Bet you can guess what was waiting for me.....he had rubbed all of the salt and grime off of the panel with his hand leaving a basketball sized area of nothing but swirls. I was extremely pissed especially because there wasnt even a dent, it was a freakin shadow!?!?!? So now i have to buff it out.

It's really bot a big deal becUse it's fixable and it's a daily driver but c'mon! Why do people feel the need to touch paint?! I dont get it, you don't have "feel" to "see"! It's like nobody has common sense anymore.....

02-15-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi Edmund,

I think everyone here can and will sympathize with your situation but rest assured it's easily correctable with some time and patience. One concern I have is the poison used; did it etch the paint at all?

To avoid further situations you might want to invest in a sort lined car cover. I've look at some of them and the linings feel like a babies blanket.

Dust is a major on darker colors, especially black. Dust is very fine particles that can be abrasive leaving fine scratches behind if they're disturbed or rubbed up against.

Clean the suspect areas. Spray a nice mist of No Rinse or Waterless car wash over these area, wait a minute or so then hose off with a gentle stream of water.

Dry with an electric leaf blower or a Microfiber Guzzler towel.

Since your car is so well taken care of you might want to clean these area with a Microfiber towel and Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any sealant or wax.

Polish these areas once again using a gray pad and Menzerna PO85RD to remove any defect that was leftover from the poison guy.

02-15-2011, 02:41 PM
I'm really starting to like the sound of the car cover idea. I'll probably invest in one of those ASAP. I'm actually surprised that I didn't think of buying one sooner. As for the drips that hit the car, they were only on the trunk lid and rear passenger quarter panel and extremely small but apparently just enough for him to take notice and decide to apply the "rub paint vigorously until it looks like there's nothing on it" cleaning approach.. No etching to be seen, thank god. The marks along the driver's side, I'm fairly certain, are from him moving back and forth rubbing his coat and pants against the paint as he sprayed along the lower wall.

5.4 Shelby
02-15-2011, 02:43 PM
Yeah, a coworker of mine gave me the dreaded "WASH ME" tattoo to the back of my salt, sand and grime covered truck last week. It is just now clearing enough to wash the vehicle. I dread seeing how much he marred my paint with his little joke.

02-15-2011, 09:06 PM
"I wiped it off for you" AUGH!!!! LOL Sorry.

02-15-2011, 10:43 PM
Yeah, a coworker of mine gave me the dreaded "WASH ME" tattoo to the back of my salt, sand and grime covered truck last week. It is just now clearing enough to wash the vehicle. I dread seeing how much he marred my paint with his little joke. I guess this would make you cringe haha it'll buff out though, it gave me a good laugh and a chance for a funny picture. sorry to hear about your caddy. as suggested before I would look into a car cover.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-15-2011, 10:56 PM
Would you rather he not tell you next time and leave the drops on your car??? If you are that anal BUY A CAR COVER!!!

02-15-2011, 11:01 PM

02-16-2011, 09:24 AM
Next time I would definitely get the vehicle out of the garage and out of harm's way!

Heads up info: Cadillac CTS Recall Information - Cadillac Recalls & Problems (http://www.lemonauto.com/complaints/gm/cadillac_cts.htm)

Car Covers:
Auto Accessories & Aftermarket Parts at AutoAnything | Truck Accessories & Car Accessories | Floor Mats, Tonneau Covers & Car Covers (http://www.autoanything.com)
Race Parts - Auto Parts - Car Parts - The Internet Racepages - RacePages.Com (http://www.racepages.com)

02-16-2011, 12:20 PM
I'm definitely up on all recall information and the like on this car. And like I said before, a car cover is definitely in order.

Honestly, given the situation, I would have preferred that he didn't tell me about the drops and just left them. I've told him before that I don't care if drops land on the car because I'd clean them up right away after he finishes. Every time I'm out in the garage I give the car a quick once-over and I would have been able to clean up any spots properly and right away.

But oh well. I'm pretty much over it now. A couple extra hours of work over the weekend and she'll be good as before.

As far as car covers go, what do you guys recommend to be the best one for strictly indoor use? From my brief research the Covercraft Dustop seems to be a prime contender. Anybody have experience with that specific cover?

02-16-2011, 12:25 PM
That sucks man! I would have been pist but at least the guy was honest with you and told you about it. I would have at least respected him for that and let it go.

02-16-2011, 12:28 PM
That sucks man! I would have been pist but at least the guy was honest with you and told you about it. I would have at least respected him for that and let it go.

Yeah. I was definitely fuming yesterday but odds are I'll just let it go and not bother mentioning it next time he shows up. He's a nice enough guy otherwise. Actually does an exceptional job at keeping the creepies out of my house.

02-16-2011, 12:42 PM
Yeah. I was definitely fuming yesterday but odds are I'll just let it go and not bother mentioning it next time he shows up. He's a nice enough guy otherwise. Actually does an exceptional job at keeping the creepies out of my house.

Not a big fan of the bugs myself....actually, the guy who came and did my wife's house last year creeped me out more than the bugs I think! :D

+1 on pulling the car out next time