View Full Version : Quick Coin-op -- QD/Rinseless Wash Question

01-26-2011, 11:19 AM
Usually I wash my trucks at the coin-op and then drive home to use ONR/QEW to finish up. I might add that I usually use the coin-op's complete cycle -- wash, rinse, spotless rinse. OK. Even using the complete cycle there is scum left on the trucks and before I started using rinseless washes I simply wiped the trucks done as carefully as possible. Actually it didn't cause all that much marring.

Has anyone tried using the complete cycle of the coin-op and then spraying their vehicle with an ONR solution at QD strength for lubricity and then simply drying the vehicle with good quality cotton or microfiber towels? Seems to me it should work and would save a major hassle.


Spicy McHaggis
01-26-2011, 11:51 AM
I only use their pressure washer. I just don't trust their brushes or their soap since I'm sure it will strip most LSP's.

If you truck is really nasty you might want to try taking an apc to the coin op with you and pretreating your truck with it. Spray it on and let it dwell for a few minutes, then thoroughly rinse it off.

01-26-2011, 12:20 PM
For sure I don't use their brushes, but I most frequently do use the soap. I only wash my trucks at the coin-op when they really need it. Right now we have gone through a spat of messy weather and I have not washed either truck for a couple of weeks. No sense in doing so. I have found that infrequent washes with the soap doesn't seem to remove all that much of the LSP. (I have been using coin-ops off and on for fifty years..only in the winter.)

Now about the drying and my original question. Will a QD applied to the wet surface of the truck prior to drying work?


Spicy McHaggis
01-26-2011, 12:31 PM
Sorry, dude I totally missed the second half of you post. I thought you were asking about using the coin op. My bad.

Yes, a qd should aid in drying. Lot of people do it even during normal washes. It should help dry quicker, with no water spots, and help curb any micromarring that might have happened otherwise.

01-26-2011, 01:19 PM
Thanks, I'll give it a try.


Chris Thomas
01-26-2011, 03:12 PM
Another option is Opti Clean spray and wipe which you may find a bit safer with dirt still on the car and going straight to drying.