View Full Version : A lot of bashin going on.....

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01-26-2011, 05:03 AM
I have noticed quite a bit of disrespectful post going on in some threads regarding personal opinions ending in verbal insults. It truly saddens me to come across a hot thread to discover members are at each others throats, because of difference in interpretation of a detail, products,etc... I have always bypassed other forums because of the negative comments their members kept posting. AG is the first forum I've ever joined that the members always gave a thumbs up even if the job wasn't 1A premium work, but would still edify junior members and give them hope to keep trying, and the members where there for us with answers in hand. I always check the forums on my breaks at work expecting to learn something or hear a funny/interesting thread, but recently I feel bummed by some post. I really feel like I have friends on AG, and to see disturbances bothers me. I knw we're all human and some people will rub others the wrong way but us as "Senior Members" need to start defusing the threads that trail off in the wrong direction. I thank all the members that make AG the up lifting, positive, and happy place for the rest us who look to you for advice! God Bless

Jimmy G.

01-26-2011, 05:33 AM

Agreed! Some of the members like to pick if they believe someone has said something incorrect. There is no need to pick, just let them know in a polite way that you don't agree with what they have said.

No need to say it in a matter of fact way to prove that you are right and they are wrong, just give a polite heads up. I think that's the difference with AGO is that most members communicate that way.

Flash Gordon
01-26-2011, 06:14 AM
I concour. Corey and Mark have been super mean to me :cry:

No, seriously...Does every thread have to end with I Love You? Its just not reality that everyone agrees on everything. I understand the whole "if you have nothing nice to say..." but, me personally, I would rather hear a little disagreements then robotic responses where everyone is being fake and agreeing with each other on every subject

01-26-2011, 06:39 AM
Oh no, I completely agree that if we disagree, we should say so, but it should be said in a polite way. There is never any excuse to be rude if the other person simply doesn't know they're incorrect.

I can understand if the other person is stubborn then tempers may flare (like the arguement I had with a Lincoln Navigator owner at work the other day telling me how cotton towels scratch when used for drying and how microfibers leave too much moisture behind and cause wipe marks, yet his black '07 navigator was full of swirls and had many waterspots left over from his "real leather chamois" that he proaimed to be superior to my guzzler HD- I was close to losing it then.

01-26-2011, 07:40 AM
I concour. Corey and Mark are the only ones that ever treat me with the respect I deserve.

Gee Flash, love yourself much?

Im the MAN

Wendell Jarvis
01-26-2011, 08:46 AM
Odd timing how this was posted...this just recently happened to me.....

01-26-2011, 08:59 AM
Gee Flash, love yourself much?

Im the MAN

At least when you guys throw jabs it is quite obvious it is in good fun.

BBQ brush .... :nomore:

Spicy McHaggis
01-26-2011, 09:11 AM
There is a difference between bashing, and not blowing sunshine up everyone's you know what.

I'm not saying you have to insult someone that posts up a detail that isn't up to par, but telling them it's awesome isn't going to help them either. There needs to be some constructive criticism given or that person won't know that they need to practice more or improve in another area. I'd much rather someone tell me they see something I did wrong in a detail than everyone just say some canned response like "nice" to get their post count up and make sure everyone feels all warm and fuzzy inside. I equate it to when kids play sports these days and everyone gets trophy even if they lose.

Also when there is just totally wrong information out there, just because someone corrects that information doesn't mean they are bashing another person.
Some people on this forum need to get some thicker skin. It is the internet after all and not everyone is going to agree with eachother. no need to get all whiney and hurt anytime someone doesn't agree with you or doesn't tell you that you are the best detailer ever.

Odd timing how this was posted...this just recently happened to me.....
Stop being such a martyr. I said something you said was moronic, i didn't attack you. You made a blanket statement about products that was not based on any facts. Get over it.

Setec Astronomy
01-26-2011, 09:35 AM
I equate it to when kids play sports these days and everyone gets trophy even if they lose.

Hey, that's just wrong. But you also don't tell your kid in Little League that, yeah, he's a pretty good ball player, but he just really falls short of [insert name of Major League player here]. There's just no point in discouraging your kid because he's not as good as a pro when he's 11.

So if somebody here at AGO posts up pictures of his first detail, and he's all proud and stuff...but to you it looks like, well, his first detail, what's the point in telling him "gee, you may think that looks good, but it's really terrible compared to Todd Helme".

I really am unfamiliar with the incident(s) which led to this thread, but as with any coaching or leadership, it has to be tailored to the person and the situation, if it's going to be productive. I find that most of the Show n' Shine posts on detailing forums fall into 2 categories, the "I just got my car shiny for the first time and I'm busting" and the "I'm a pro and here's my free advertising". Not really that many that are looking for constructive criticism. So in my book I ignore the advertising and give a pat on the back to the ones that need it (although truth be told I rarely look at S n' S threads).

Spicy McHaggis
01-26-2011, 09:49 AM
Hey, that's just wrong. But you also don't tell your kid in Little League that, yeah, he's a pretty good ball player, but he just really falls short of [insert name of Major League player here]. There's just no point in discouraging your kid because he's not as good as a pro when he's 11.

So if somebody here at AGO posts up pictures of his first detail, and he's all proud and stuff...but to you it looks like, well, his first detail, what's the point in telling him "gee, you may think that looks good, but it's really terrible compared to Todd Helme".

I really am unfamiliar with the incident(s) which led to this thread, but as with any coaching or leadership, it has to be tailored to the person and the situation, if it's going to be productive. I find that most of the Show n' Shine posts on detailing forums fall into 2 categories, the "I just got my car shiny for the first time and I'm busting" and the "I'm a pro and here's my free advertising". Not really that many that are looking for constructive criticism. So in my book I ignore the advertising and give a pat on the back to the ones that need it (although truth be told I rarely look at S n' S threads).
Err wrong, try again. I didn't say to tell a kid he isn't as good as a pro. I said you shouldn't teach a kid that everything will be ok as long as he participates. Last time I checked showing up to work every day isn't the only thing that keeps me employed. If I don't do my job well I go bye bye. That analogy was only an example, but way to pick it apart and put your own spin on it.

As far as people WANTING constructive criticism I'm sure they don't, but that goes to my point of people needing thicker skin. You aren't going to get any better if everyone just say good job or nice if there are a few problems. There should be no problem with someone saying, good job, maybe try this combo next time. Or nice detail, you might want to remember to clean the wheel wells next time. But thats not the way it is. People go crazy and think that everyone is getting insulted and get up on their high horses on this forum.

I like this forum, I really do. But it has changed an awful lot since I first started detailing...

01-26-2011, 09:57 AM
This thread is going down the same path.

Scott DeBrun
01-26-2011, 10:00 AM
This thread is going down the same path.


PAR Detailing
01-26-2011, 10:12 AM
Now boys havent we already learned from our wives/girlfriends....

We need to talk in "I" statements, "I feel" "I think" "I think the wheel wells might need a little more TLC"
NOT in
"You" statements like "You didnt do this" "You did this wrong" "You annoy me" "You suck at wheel wells, they are dirtier than my babys diaper"


Setec Astronomy
01-26-2011, 10:16 AM
As far as people WANTING constructive criticism I'm sure they don't, but that goes to my point of people needing thicker skin. You aren't going to get any better if everyone just say good job or nice if there are a few problems. There should be no problem with someone saying, good job, maybe try this combo next time. Or nice detail, you might want to remember to clean the wheel wells next time. But thats not the way it is. People go crazy and think that everyone is getting insulted and get up on their high horses on this forum.

You seem to make an assumption that all members come to this forum for criticism (constructive or otherwise). I don't agree with that premise.

I like this forum, I really do. But it has changed an awful lot since I first started detailing...

Sometimes things stay the same and your perspective changes...

01-26-2011, 10:22 AM
Bottom line, we can agree to disagree but keep it civil.