View Full Version : Help with Domain Names??

12-18-2006, 12:04 PM
Anybody know of a site that you can input a bunch of different words, numbers etc, and will help to spit out combinations of those into actual domain names. I know there are but for some reason I can't find anything when searching.

12-18-2006, 12:29 PM

something like that?

12-18-2006, 12:58 PM

something like that?Thanks, I found this site to www.domainfellow.com (http://www.domainfellow.com) and a few others but some didn't work to well and threw in combinations of other words like museums lol, doesn't go with my business. Some even threw in "sexual" words, www.bocaratonsexloans.com (http://www.bocaratonsexloans.com) ......think anybody would be offended:D . We have our main wesbite, but we're setting up a few different sites targeted to specific areas of financing, from bad credit to commercial etc.

12-18-2006, 01:03 PM
Is this a family business? How did you get into it at such a young age if not? Degree?

12-18-2006, 02:37 PM
Is this a family business? How did you get into it at such a young age if not? Degree?My business? Honestly, basically everyone in my family owned/owns successful businesses, and that kind of rubbed off on me lol. I have no patience to work for somebody. Really, the way I got into it was a fluke, I met a guy who owned a bunch of Commercial properties and after talking with him it perked my interest (I'm at the point now where we are going to setup a seperate llc on the site to focus on Commercial strictly), I ended up working for a couple different companies but pretty much taught myself everything w/ no help really. I never got in b/c of the whole finance boom, I really enjoy the business. Unfortunetley it has a tarnished name b/c of all the sleaze bag unlicensed/licensed people pulling over shady stuff along with companies like Ameriquest that used strong arm tactics etc. I'll send you our main website, I'll post it on here for a critique but were still chaning some stuff. So my partner and I (sisters boyfriend) opened up a branch office for a company located in Houston as we didn't have the time to sit and wait to get lenders on board along with other compliance issues etc. This way I can also do business in some states I get referrals from, as a lot of states take forever to get licensed into and $$$. FL is a pain in the arse, we've been waiting on our branch license for 4 months now and it's still not finished. That way we could still keep the residential side going, and have the llc on the side for Commercial, so eventually we could merge the two and open everything under our own names, since right now were operating under the hq companies name, which makes it a lot easier for now.

I went to Lynn University here, studied business management. Because I was originally planning on eventually taking over one of the family businesses (insurance) but they sold it:( so.....out went that plan lol.

Really I just wanted to do something where I have control of my time and $$. Want to build it to the point where everything can operate efficiently with employee's etc. That way I can do my real passion, racing. I was brought up around auto/boat racing. If I could, I would be out on a road course every single day. I have a picture of a Viper Comp Coupe in my office, strictly for racing, that's my goal -> to be a privateer and whup some ass lol.