View Full Version : CALLING ALL IT PROFESSIONALS AND TECHIES!!!! (and anyone else who feels like looking)

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01-20-2011, 09:48 AM
I need some opinions from you guys and gals if possible. I work in IT, specifically core network operations support. I literally stare at 4 computer screens for 8 hours a day analyzing, diagnosing, preventing, and repairing network issues. Last night I was in class (accounting...it sucks) and I was having a really hard time focusing on the projector and my computer screen. Paper at the same distance was fine, and reading everything on the whiteboard was just fine. I have 20/20 vision and am considering getting some computer glasses. Specifically Gunnar's located here: Gunnar Catalyst Wi-Five Eyewear - Catalyst Eyeglasses | Gunnars.com (http://www.gunnars.com/product/indoor/wifive/) ... this will be my first purchase of computer glasses and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these or others they may recommend! I know a lot of us on here work in IT and I figured this would be a good place for me to start! Thanks for anyones help, direction, or opinion!


01-20-2011, 10:54 AM
Try turning the brightness way down on your screen to ease eyestrain. Most are way over-lit.

Although you are 20/20 overall, your near vision may require a little boost from dime-store readers. And as you hit mid 40s or maybe earlier you might need bifocals. I finally bit the bullet, spent $10 and t's amazing what .5 or 1.0 in a reading glass will do.

01-20-2011, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the response! I turned the brightness down to about half of what the screens have to offer when I first got here in fear of having the eye strain, and yet it still happend :(. Thanks for the info, I'll try the $10 option before adding another 0 to that price!

01-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Have you talked to an optometrist. There are glasses with lenses that adjust for viewing angles, etc.

01-20-2011, 12:05 PM
I have... and he was actually the one who sells the Gunnar glasses I noted in the OP. According to Gunnar (and my optometrist) they reduce the amount of blue coming from the light spectrum which typically is to blame for the strain. I just didn't know if there might be a cheaper alternative becuase these glasses are not covered by insurance due to them being a non prescription.

01-20-2011, 12:51 PM
I work in IT full time as well and noticed that my eyes get really tired at night and I blink constantly like my eyes are really dry. I have noticed a problem with focusing periodically too but far less often than the dry eyes.

From the things that I have quickly read (not thorough research by any means) it seems like the main problem with computer screens is the blue light that is emitted by them. Amber lenses are supposed to block blue light so it seems like any pair of amber lens glasses should work. I have a pair of Native sunglasses that came with amber lenses that are interchangeable. I will try them and let you know what I find out.

Also I read that if you just close your eyes or focus on something a good distance away for 20 seconds or so every half an hour it will help. Good luck finding a solution and let us know what you find out.

01-20-2011, 12:56 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I have spent a lot of money on my eyes (Lasik) and noticed that later in the day my eyes are very tired and do not have the long distance vision that I should. I have looked at the Gunnar glasses also, but do not have any evidence to back up the major purchase. I think I may still buy the glasses anyway, a lot less cheaper than having my eyes done again. Curious to see any/more evidence.

01-20-2011, 01:16 PM
Thanks for all the input guys... I know a lot of my buddies who use them for gaming and say they make a HUGE difference... I think I'm just going to pull the trigger on them... when I get them I will let you guys know how they do.... This is just getting downright irratating lol

01-20-2011, 01:47 PM
Thanks for all the input guys... I know a lot of my buddies who use them for gaming and say they make a HUGE difference... I think I'm just going to pull the trigger on them... when I get them I will let you guys know how they do.... This is just getting downright irratating lol

DO IT!! If nothing else you will look Uber 1337 Hax0r Sauce

01-20-2011, 01:55 PM
Thanks for all the input guys... I know a lot of my buddies who use them for gaming and say they make a HUGE difference... I think I'm just going to pull the trigger on them... when I get them I will let you guys know how they do.... This is just getting downright irratating lol

I would be curious to get a review if you do get these.

01-20-2011, 02:18 PM
LOL thanks guys... I will be more than happy to do a review on them once received... Expect it 2 weeks from today... next Thursday specifically so I can put them through the paces at work and while sitting in class the Wednesday before!

01-20-2011, 05:01 PM
I have... and he was actually the one who sells the Gunnar glasses I noted in the OP. According to Gunnar (and my optometrist) they reduce the amount of blue coming from the light spectrum which typically is to blame for the strain. I just didn't know if there might be a cheaper alternative becuase these glasses are not covered by insurance due to them being a non prescription.
Maybe you can get them in variable bifocal with mild prescription

01-20-2011, 06:57 PM
DO IT!! If nothing else you will look Uber 1337 Hax0r Sauce :laughing: I busted out! My wife just gave me "the look." :laughing: I wonder how many people are still scratching their heads though.

LOL thanks guys... I will be more than happy to do a review on them once received... Expect it 2 weeks from today... next Thursday specifically so I can put them through the paces at work and while sitting in class the Wednesday before!Well, now I am in a conundrum. I was just sorting through them trying to decide which style I wanted to buy. I suppose I can wait to get your feedback.

I have migraines and know that my eyes suffer while in front of my comp at work. Maybe these will help. Anybody that has migraines knows that dropping $100 on a pair of glasses if they work would be some of the best money ever spent.


01-20-2011, 08:31 PM
I've had 20/50 vision my whole life, I only wear glasses when driving. That being said, all my monitors are 2004ish dell e207wfp screens, they are fairly bright, but not overkill. I have a recent model imac 27" and it is obnoxiously bright, I keep it up at 50-60% usually. I've never considered any type of computer glasses, and in fact have never even *heard* of computer glasses..

It also depends how your office is lit though. If it's all florescent, it can actually cause headaches/eye strain, either reduce the lighting or add some EVIL incandescent lighting to your office if you do not have sunlight.

I vote instead of computer glasses you just get some neat Rx shades, then after people get done asking you "Do you have enough computers?!" they can ask "Why do you wear sunglasses?" You can answer with "Because I'm staring at 4+ light bulbs all day long.

Let's turn this around for a minute..

my users frequently moan about not being able to see their screens, so when we buy them new 20" monitors they jack the res down to 800x600. Has anyone tried to push the issue of the user wearing reading glasses or anything of the sort to make their screen easier to read?

01-20-2011, 08:47 PM
..and then i spent 15 seconds looking at the site referenced by the OP.

Rx compatible, not expensive, they're not bad looking either. I will await your review i am especially curious to see what difference they make in a bright office environment.